18 December 2007

Update in list form:

  1. train to Dublin for day trip
  2. GRE - check! did better that I expected, especially with only 2.5 weeks to study!
  3. 14pp in 3 days (comp lit)
  4. 12pp in 3 days (cultural theory)
  5. day off
  6. errands all day, class Christmas party
    1. 2 profs for 20 min at beginning
    2. white elephant gift exchange b/w students
    3. 1 prof later for over an hour till the rest of the class went into town
    4. I went home around midnight (OLD LADY, I know!)
  7. woke up Thursday with a fever - that still has not gone away
  8. groceries/errands on Friday
  9. Sat & Sun in a fever stupor, complete wasted days
  10. woke up Mon prepared to get 4000wds done by 5pm
    1. got settled in, started to write
    2. 3 lines in, got harassed/verbally attacked/kicked out of the common room for being a 'student'
    3. went to department office to find out what just happened, only to burst into tears and have a breakdown for being sick/stressed AND angry at the same time... in front of 4 strangers!
    4. admin asst, Jess aka my new best friend, haha!, let me into an empty office to write
    5. spanish prof, Barry ALSO my new best friend :), offered his office for my use AND asked permission to go "confront" the REALLY NICE GUY (does sarcasm come across in blogs?) in a public place for my benefit
    6. got a text from Jonathan about paid work for me, interviewed, got work for Tue all day
    7. decided to change topics completely on paper, went to ask permission from prof
    8. prof had already heard about the harassment and offered to let the entire class have an extension until midnight on Friday (woot!?!)
    9. spent next while filing complaints - me and my stupid justice issues
  11. worked all day long as a proctor for writing test portions of interviews
  12. checked email and found a note IN WRITING stating that I did, in fact, have permission to be in the common room as a post grad (which is what I suggested to the REALLY NICE GUY when he waved his hand in dismissal and informed me that I "had better be gone" before he returned...
  13. Made mental note to go to the common room every day for the rest of my time at UL**

And that has been my life! Aren't you JEALOUS??? :)

**I was already a regular in the common room - it's my fave place to study/read/write papers, so I am usually there 2-3 times/week anyway... everyday isn't such a stretch! haha!


03 December 2007


That is the increase in GRE words I have memorized from 2 weeks ago! :) I now absolutely KNOW 87+% of the entire box - WOOT! I started out knowing less than a third. The funny part is, I have no clue if I did the math right, which just emphasises my weakness on the "quantitative" portion of this crazy test... Here's what I know about my vocab: out of 500 wds, I knew less than 100 for certain 2 weeks ago. As of last night, I know 434 without question. :) Today will be my math cram session. feel free to say a prayer tomorrow! Test is from 1-5pm my time... 7-11am SK time, 8-12 EST.

I'm off!

02 December 2007

"welcome to my world" - a novel.

okay, my planned schedule last week was this:
Tuesday: class from 10-4, then meet with project partners to complete preparation for Wednesday's presentation
Wednesday: class from 9-12, including aforementioned group presentation (on victims & perpetrators in Gunter Grass' Crabwalk - (insert sarcastic woot!), begin essays for Griffin (they aren't due until 11 Dec, but I had a schedule...)
Thursday: continue essays
Friday: turn in essays for Griffin, class from 12-3, International Student's Christmas Party, Grad Student's Christmas Party, weekly class party, crash
Saturday: begin intensive GRE studying until Tues afternoon.
Tuesday: take train to Dublin, GRE 1-5, return to Limerick that evening

my actual schedule so far:

Tuesday: as planned, except one of my partners (joan) was in the ER for most of the day/evening waiting to get an xray and find out that she had chipped part of her patella... brian and I were remarkably calm and got ton(ne)s done & when Joan got there, we only had an hour more to do, so yay!

Wednesday: class - check. presentation - check. Actually, the presentation went incredibly well! So I am hoping for a decent mark... addition to the schedule: random fever. I blame the weather. It was below freezing on Friday night and by Wed it was up to 65. un-fun.

Thursday: not a drop of writing. headed for the store and to return a laptop to Jonathan and Jonathan invited me in for tea... nearly 3 hrs (and no store) later, we were both starving and went to lunch, which is where I was when a friend from NJ (Christine) texted me about coffee, so off I go. Then I stop by the store on my way home which is right under Christine's apt and she invites me up to her place - so I visit with her for 30 mins or so before I decide to make stovetop lasagna and invite her to my place for dinner. She comes over and we do celebrity crosswords while I cook and invite our friend/my classmate Nicole to come downstairs (she lives in my bldg), which she does... the girls leave a little after 9 and I actually begin a 500 wd essay for Griffin!

But my Thursday doesn't end there! I am looking for photos as an appendix to my paper. I had an idea and couldn't make it clear in 500wds, so I cheated a little and included photos. One pic wasn't great, so my roommate offered to go out with me at 11:30 at night to take pictures of this bridge I was writing my paper on so we spent the next hr or so walking around in the dark in the mud trying to get "the right picture" - and we did! yay! I got back home, continued the writing... and completed my essay at 4:30am. yay. SEVEN HOURS FOR FIVE HUNDRED WORDS, WHAT??? Oh well.

Friday: wake up at 10, go to library to photocopy my photos, line at the copiers, head to class without the copies. Class was nice. Spent my break at the library making copies, finished class, went to turn in my essay to Griffin (I figured one essay is better than none). Griffin wasn't in his office, but Michael Kelly (his officemate was). On my way out of the office, I decided to do something nice, so I told Dr. Kelly (keep in mind that he's not my prof -- but he and I do run in the same circles) how much I liked him and that I thought he was "too cool" and that I "loved him to death" and that when I see him, I just have to smile... *sigh* Which is all true... I have this compulsion to try and make people know that they are appreciated. I also mentioned that I could sit and listen to him switch from his irish accent to french "any day of the week" - HAHAHA! He loved it and we had a great conversation for like 10 mins. Then as I leave, he mentions that he's sure he'll see me in the next couple months (our break is from 13 Dec - 28 Jan) -- and I realised that Dr. Kelly WILL, in fact, be my professor NEXT TERM. (laugh out loud!) I have 1.5 hrs before the International Students Christmas Party (heretofore mentioned as: ISCP because I'm lazy) so I return to the library, aka my least favourite place on campus - but that's for another story, to see if I can get crackin' on that 2nd essay. This 500 word essay is finished in 45 min! So I run it over to Griffin's office - he's leaving for Eastern Europe this weekend to do a lecture circuit this week) - in pouring rain. And I literally ran, so my asthma kicked in. I walked into the office where both Michaels were sitting at their desks, Griffin made a comment about how I should have an umbrella with me - I almost remarked that they are useless when the rain falling sideways, turn in the 2nd paper, and call out as I leave "you guys have a great weekend!" like we're best friends... *sigh* but they were both remarkably animated and actually called out "you too!" pretty loudly -- for those guys, anyway... my fever is still around off-and-on and no one had mentioned the class party, so I did not push it... headed to the Christmas parties. Had a free 10euro meal at the ISCP, tried mulled wine at the Postgrad party and nearly gagged. Actually, I did gag. Then I really didn't feel well, so I headed home in the horribly cold windy rain. Curled up & watched Ugly Betty, House and Criminal Minds online.

Saturday: woke up (VERY late!), went to the store, got home & took the practice GRE in math. Very disturbing how stupid I feel, but I keep trying. Learned that I really should focus more on my vocab anyway because the literature and english depts I am applying to place higher emphasis on the verbal sections. Had lunch/supper (I told you I woke up REALLY late), sat down on the couch with the tv in the background and a box full of flashcards and started memorizing. I began around 6pmish. When I started, I had already done A-H. So I began at "I" and went through them all - taking out the ones I for sure know - and set to memorizing. Around 11:30, Nicole comes down for a break from her essay-writing and we watch the end of 100 best movies of all time... Star Wars won. I was very very disappointed. And I realised that my cultural theory has really worked - I have learned TON(ne)S and can now argue with those critics about their criteria - haha! After Nicole left, I continued until I did not have any more recall and went to my room. I looked at my friends' blogs to see if anything interesting had happened and sure enough: MayB found this website where you are given a word (which turns out to be mostly GRE words, by the way!) and you have to choose the best deifiniton. For every word you get right, this company says they'll give 20 grains of rice. I made 10,000 grains of rice - woot! I only missed about 3 of the words from the GRE box... :) that was encouraging! And I went to bed around 3:30.

Today, I woke up frustrated that I had made a REALLY careless error on the paper I gave to Griffin that I wrote in 45 min. I used IMDB to recall the character's name in a film I was reviewing and used the name of the actor instead of the name of the character... I realised this during my conversation last night with Nicole, but I obviously got more and more frustrated by this through the night, so first thing I do when I wake up is fire off an email to Griffin explaining that I know about my mistake and that I have friends who mark University essays and get really discouraged by their students' errors and wonder how they made it past secondary (high) school -- and that I hate that I may have a reputation with him for being "that" student -- the one who sounds like an idiot because she isn't careful in her writing... ugh. And now I am about to shrug that mistake off and head back to the couch for more memorization! I have just over half the box memorized!!! The rest of today should get me to nearly the entire box and tomorrow I will continue the math portion...

and there is your update on my week!

23 November 2007

who needs David Lynch to go insane?

I don't have much to say but I thought it was time to touch base... first of all: HAPPY BIGGEST SHOPPING DAY OF THE YEAR to those of you reading from the States! I missed sending out Thanksgiving Day wishes :)

My life will be a little hectic these next few weeks:

four 2pp papers

three 12pp papers

1 presentation


1 final

before 14Dec. WOOT.

I also have to organize PhD applications and letters of recommendations and deal (emotionally) with the absence of CUPE employees at USask which will affect my transcript orders...

So please don't expect much from me in the near-future!

Today I got to give a presentation on Park Valley, YAY! It was so much fun!!! And the class asked all about how the church worked, so that was really different. And the prof asked me to include more about the church in my paper. :) Thanks Ang, for the photos - they were a hit!

I can't think of much else to share... except the fact that it is below freezing tonight!! On our walk home tonight, Jonathan mentioned that he didn't see ice all winter last year... and it's only November... I am afraid I brought it with me -- HAHAH!

love you all ~

17 November 2007

4:30 am

So I went to our weekly class party last night at a girl's apartment off-campus. It was about a 30min walk away from campus - and another 15 mins to my place on the other side of campus. So 3 of us walked together. We all sat around talking and listening to music and discussing movies (mostly them being shocked at my limited viewing!) and realizing how dumb we all are when it comes to vocabulary for the GRE (graduate record exam... I have to take it to see if I get into a PhD program in the States... not holding my breath!) -- I have GRE vocabulary flashcards that Inow carry with me everywhere - and that provided a decent amount of entertainment. We're all nerds, what can I say? :)

Anyway! We didn't leave there until 4ish in the morning. 3 of us left again, but not the same 3. One girl ended up staying the night and we traded for another girl who lived about as far away from both places as possible! Jonathan & I walked Joan back to her place before heading to our respective apartments.

So on the way to Joan's place, we took a short-cut through a cemetery. I loved it! Not for its creepy factor, either. It was this tiny Jewish cemetery - possibly the only Jewish cemetery in the city? - with about 10 graves. We knew that one of the graves held a lady we have been learning about in our "reconstructions of the past" course, so we looked around, but couldn't find her. She must be one of the several "unknowns." In the late 1930's, Ireland was asked by thousands of Jews to host them as refugees from Nazi territory, but Ireland refused most of them. I believe this lady was one of the ones who came in illegally - was helped by a stranger. Only a couple hundred were actually allowed in. There's a huge research project going on right now here about German immigration to Ireland in the early 20th century... I am actually quite fascinated.

So it was really neat to find the place where this lady was buried. To have something tangible to connect to the stories I hear. Kind of strange that this was at 4:30am, but I guess I will take what I can get!

We also decided that we are having a class holiday party after our final exam & we're inviting the profs ("lecturers" here). And we are planning a class trip to continental Europe next term - Ryan air to Brussels, I believe. Should be fun! And we're throwing about the idea of class reunions around the world -- assuming we don't want to kill one another by the end of the year - lol!

I think that's all.

Love you guys ~

12 November 2007

5 yrs ago, this would not have crossed my mind...

I miss snow!

Today it was +9 (low 40sF)and I was walking around in a skirt and a jacket while the rest of campus was dressed for -25 (freakishly cold F). It was wild seeing all this little mini-eskimo types wander around campus wearing their toques and scarves and ski gloves and not a drop of snow in the air. The ground is green, the trees are fallish/green, the river was flowing, and I watched people prepare for a blizzard!

And all I could think was: I miss the glitter of the snow and the feel of soft snowflakes on my eyelashes... *sigh*

I am such a weirdo!

I feel like I have a split-personality (which may not be far for the truth, haha!) and I am falling in love with Ireland while leaving my heart in SK. It's a strange emotion... :)

So that's my day. I applied for a job at the nearby shopping centre - we'll see how that works out - and I enjoyed my Monday afternoon routine (for the past 3 Mondays) of cozying up in a leather chair in the Faculty/Grad Students commons area/dessert & coffee-room with a book for a couple hrs and I am really enjoying the newly opened 16million-euro bridge that I can take to campus now! It moves... just a little, when other people are walking on it, you can feel a sway - kind of neat and at night there are crazy colour-changing lights that float underneath both entrances... psychedelic!

I have the priviledge of writing about this bridge for my cultural theory class, so I am spending lots of time wandering across it - such a hardship! If I had a camera - ANY camera - I would take pics and show you... but you'll just have to wait! :)

bye for now

11 November 2007

Reasons why Jill didn't get her call this Saturday... :(

okay, so this is not good... I can't seem to keep up with a Saturday to save my life! There was a conference on all day Friday & Saturday that was being hosted by my department, a few of us went to most of that, and in-between the days, a group of girls from the class got together for a Friday night cookie-dough/celery&peanut butter night of girl-talk... which turned into a "let's meet the ONE guy in our class who's in town this weekend at the "Lodge." Well, it was 1:15am by this time, and we all were planning to be at the conference by 9am and I had never been to the Lodge. Turns out it is quite the hangout for Uni students & staff. Not a pub. Definitely a club. They were charging 8 euro and I was like "umm... no." but one of the girls paid my way, so then I felt obligated. It didn't turn out half-bad... I did have 2 guys ask me to kiss them (on the cheek) within the 1st ten minutes... lol!

Regardless - the boy (Jonathan) didn't make it because the club closed at 2 and he got there after the door was closed to incomers, so that was a little sad. When we left, Nicole and I had a 45 min walk back to our dorm, and by then I was frozen (only wore a sweater - was NOT planning on a 45 min walk) so it took me until nearly 4am to get to sleep.

But I made it to the conference at 9! Went to the 1st 2 sessions, tried to go home and take a nap, got distracted by lunch & a great conversation with a classmate & prof, went to the 3rd session and went home. I finally got to take my "nap" at 5pm, which lasted until 9am this morning! (Sunday). So, YAY for 16hr "naps"!!!

05 November 2007

Copy of an email to Ky:

Subject: You know what's great?

Actually having a CLUE what I am writing about for my thesis. And bonus: I can continue it on into my PhD, so there's TWO decisions made in 30 mins! All it took was a half-hour conversation with my prof. :) WOOT!

So I am not taking the magic realism route this year. I have decided to propose a research project on the history of fiction. This will be more theoretically founded than I am used to, but since it's my theory prof who suggested it, I will take his word for it that I am capable of that level/style of writing. The ultimate goal is to write on the history of irish historical fiction for my PhD. again, WOOT! So nothing to do with my original thought, but this I not only think/know I CAN do, I am also really excited about it and not stressed when I think about it! :)

I just thought I would share. I am hoping to apply to USask with this, but its doubtful I will get in since they don't have a strong irish research faculty. Did I tell you I was planning to apply to USask for my PhD? I hope I did! It will be an interdisciplinary proposal between english & history. We'll see! I am also applying to Notre Dame (longshot, but MUST be done b/c of their prestige and centre for irish studies... and then U South Carolina-Columbia and Colorado U-Boulder for comparative literature, which will not follow in this vein. Maybe I will go magic realism on those proposals... hmmm...)

Tell me your thoughts...

30 October 2007

All or Nothing in the Life of Steph

Hi all!

If you are reading this, you probably already know that I am a terrible extremist. Everything is literally ALL or NOTHING with me and my life. So it should come as no surprise that after nearly 2 mos of "nothing," I enjoyed a week of "all"!

Last week was wild. I gave up a crush (before it became a real crush and I risked an actual crushing) on Tuesday. I had seen this guy ONCE outside of class or class-related stuff in the previous 6 weeks since school began. Then, the week I give up my crush (literally within the next 48 hrs), I feel as though he's stalking ME! :) He really wasn't. It was just that Wed, I nearly physically ran into him in the library, and then Thursday, I was having coffee with some classmates and in he walks, sits down for a while at another table and gives us a 'nod' hello as he walks by half-an-hour later... then that afternoon, my friend/classmate, Muireann (pronounced: mweeruhn) and I went to a french guest speaker-thing by a guy from Paris and he's there, TOO. and if seeing him THREE times in 2 days wasn't enough, when I went out with the rest of my class that night, there he was with his friends in the on-campus bar! WHAT?? oh well. I guess it's true what they say (or at least what my mom says!): "it's all in the chase" :) If only he were chasing me. But no! I gave up that crush! REALLY! Not saying that if anything happened, I would be disappointed -- just saying that I won't dream about him in class anymore... :)

and THEN! If that wasn't enough emotional adventure for one week -- last week was also my social week :) I had great fun and made many new friends. Wed night, the classmate from California (Nicole) who lives in my bldg had a party, so I went up there between laundry loads so that I didn't seem like a snob and I met some really great people from Donegal and the States and Sweden. And another classmate came by and he had me nearly peeing myself I was laughing so hard at some of his stories involving electric fence-shock and being chased by goats & donkeys... you really had to be there, but there's a great pic of me on facebook in hysterics about the chasing story!

And Thursday night was "class party" night. There are 11 or so of us in the class (not the class with the crush, obviously), and 8 of us met at the on-campus bar where we listened to this really great band sing "trad" songs (traditional irish songs) for hours. It was SO cool watching people (mostly the guys) sing along to all of these wonderful melodies they've known all their lives! Great craic! (craic, pronounced "crack" = fun) After the trad music (with which that CD Ky told me I needed would have been helpful!), 6 of us kept going. Turns out that it was Brian's 22nd birthday... Ang, that's the guy you met at the Argentenian speaker-thing... so we all went to a "pub". It was a little more "clubbish" than I'm used to, but they played a lot of old stuff, so I didn't feel 32. I was out until 2:30am. WHAT? I am too old for that! haha! But it saved on cab-fare if I stayed, and I was enjoying the craic. :)

Turns out that this will most likely be a weekly event! But I won't be out so late this week 'cause I am going to a "Utopian studies" workshop all day on Friday. Still. It's really nice to have a tiny little social network. Not like having a local assembly, but knowing that I can call someone if I need help, or just to talk, is a reassuring feeling, you know? :)


27 October 2007

RTA referral

Hi all,

I have been trying to find the time this week to post about my travels with Ang, and now I see that Ang has pretty much done it all for me! One problem (besides 3 papers, 100pp of reading, and 2 nights of socializing) is that my camera broke on day ONE of the traveling! So my suggestion is to go to the blog of Ang (this computer will not let me use apostrophes tonight, fyi) and find out the juicy details, but here is a summary:

DAY 1: rented a car for the week and headed out through Tralee to Dingle & then made a big circle through Inch Beach and Killarney before returning back to my dorm in Limerick.

DAY 2: kidnapped my 2 roomies from Spain and the mother of Nuria (sorry -- possessive contractions are not allowed tonight!) and toured Cliffs of Moher, the Burren and Galway before returning back to the dorm

DAY 3: just Ang and I this time & we headed out to Cobh and Cork for a rush trip, just to say she went, before heading back early to hear an Argentinian lady talk about her imprisonment during the time of the "desaparecidos" and her exile into Los Angeles.

DAY 4: Kilkenny on the way to Dublin (by the way, I am fairly certain that Kikenny is where all the cute irish boys are grown...) and tour of Dublin with the Molly Malone *slash* (since I cannot use slashes either... what??) Brittney Spears medley guy, Dave, that Ky and I loved so much.

DAY 5: up early to head out to Newgrange (a neolithic burial mound that was built over several generations and can only be naturally lit 4 days a year over winter solstice -- for more info, please refer to RTA), and returned to Dublin for the pub of O(insert apostrophe here)Neill for supper (VERY GOOD AND REASONABLY PRICED) before wandering about town finding nothing to do -- which is weird for Dublin...

DAY 6: return to Limerick via the Rock of Cashel. WAY cool! It is this giant monastery-thing that originated as seat of the high king (where Brian Boru sat) and later came to represent the conversion of Ireland from paganism to Christianity when the (then) high king accepted the Lord as his saviour. The tour is only given through the eyes of its christian history and does not include any info on the high kings. I did, however, manage to hop around counter-clockwise 9 times on one foot under the superstition of getting married within the year. Do not worry -- if, by some MIRACLE, that does happen, I will definitely give God the glory -- because that will DEFINITELY be a MIRACLE!!! But I am so not limiting God. :)

DAY 7: Angie left :(

All other details and any photos must be viewed on the blog of Ang (see RTA link above)

19 October 2007

Crete, belated - Part Two

Now THIS is what I call AMAZING!

I jumped into this water off of a giant rock and swam... it is perfect. Clear, blue - you can see the floor 10 ft below. I was thrilled!

Highlights of my 60 hr trip to Crete include, but are not limited to:

Beautiful FRUIT!

This is a pomegranate that is growing on a tree in Mike & Mom's FRONT YARD! Less than 5 ft from their porch.

Beautiful HOMES!

This is a view of Mike & Mom's house from the street. Note the crazy-cool blue of the shutters (that was my room!) and the deck created on top of the roof of the kitchen & (outdoor) living room :)

Beautiful STORIES!

This is a house Mike lived in for a couple years as a child. He took us on a tour and told us what life was like when the river was deep and the town was mostly fields... when the only building between this house and his school (200 metres away) was a police station. And he told us stories about the police station itself! lol

Beautiful MEMORIES!

Here, Mom and I are sitting on a bench behind the village church. The priest visits about twice a year, but the people are very dedicated to their faith and take care of this tiny chapel. As we sit and bask in the sunshine and gaze at the beauty of the Mediterranean, we are reminded of Mike's family, history and loss because we sit beside the tomb of his parents (which you see here).

Beautiful VIEWS!

Top to Bottom:
A restaurant off the docks in Chania at night, a reallyreally old building built on top of an open-air restaurant, a view of the spot where we swam from the road, a church on a jetty in a village between Drapanos and Heraklion (sorry I don't know the names of these places...) & a view of the marina in Chania at night.

Beautiful PEOPLE!

Top: Mike's sister-in-law, Tasoula, is one of the nicest women in the world. She invited me to her house for Christmas (and my name Day, December 27) after knowing me for 5 mins!

Bottom: Pella Minoli, one of Mike's many nieces named "Pella." I only wish I was half as strong as she is. Everything about her is beautful... I love that she has such a loving, giving, accepting spirit. And if you're reading this, please pray for her COMPLETE recovery from nearly-fatal car accident 3 summers ago. Last summer, Pella was unable to walk, but you see in this photo how the Lord has blessed her so far. Meeting Pella was the highlight of my visit.

Beside: Mike, his brothers and all their wives -- how CUTE! :)

Beautiful FOOD!

Sunday dinner with the family at Apostouli's in-laws' place... 20 ppl easy for a Sunday meal. It's bigger than some of my Christmases!!! :)

DESSERTS. enough said. *sigh*

Beautiful PRODUCTS:

Olive Oil, pressed from olives grown on Mike's trees, on Mike's property, at Mike's house in Drapanos, Crete! These are giant and amazing and... I'm speechless every time I think about the fact that my parents have this at their disposal, a product of nature!

Wine. Made from grapes grown on Mike's vines, on Mike's property, at Mike's house in Drapanos, Crete! I am pretty sure that the casks are handmade, too. Now, THAT's craftsmanship! :)

I think that is all I can say about Crete for now, seeing as how I have managed to forget almost all the names of people and places. *sigh* Mom, if you read this, feel free to email me some of the info you know I've forgotten! And at the very least, practice how to post a comment on here! :)


more to come: travels with Ang aka 'speed traveler'...

Crete, belated - Part One

Hello everyone!

I shouldn't have waited this long to talk about my trip to Crete, because I am sure I will have to guess on much of the details -- basically, I will just be talking in 'vagueties' (in the words of Corb Lund) and telling you how wonderful it is and encouraging you to make Crete part of future travel plans!

So to begin, we'll go back to the Thursday before my flight. I was flying out of Dublin on Friday at noon, and I had just recently learned that I have access to the libraries at Trinity College in Dublin, so I thought, "why not combine the trips?" So I did. I took a train up to Dublin from Limerick (about a 2.5 hr ride) Thursday afternoon and got to Dublin around 3ish. I had decided to be adventurous and not book a hostel in advance, so my 1st stop was to the tourist office.

The guy at the tourist office was WONDERFUL! I went in and said, "I would like an inexpensive room near Trinity College for tonight, please" and he laughed and found me one instantly!

I paid a deposit through the guy at the tourist office and went straight to Trinity Library for the next 3 hrs. It was HEAVEN! over 400 years of books at my disposal! WOOT!!!

Ok. Enough of that.

I checked into my hostel, asked them to hold my laptop behind their desk because they didn't have safe-deposit boxes, did some reading in the Norton Anthology of Theory & Criticism, and tried to sleep. The sleeping was near-impossible with 9 other girls in the room. All of them were Spaniards and they literally talked ALL NIGHT LONG. And not quietly, either! One girl, after about 20 mins of quiet, got a phone call at 3:30am and talked for a full 10 mins in full-voice before deciding, "hey! maybe I should leave the room for this..."

I woke up at 7:30 to have breakfast and try and find a book that I thought I had to have read by Tues class, which didn't exist AND didn't have to be read. But at the time, I was a little stressed. I got sidetracked by a souvenir shop and picked up a few trinkets for my family and went to check out of the hostel. It had started to rain, and I was running a little late for the airport because of my shopping 'spree.'

So I had a noon flight, which meant that I had to be at the airport for check-in by 10am. I figured, the bus on the way into the city in Aug took about 20-30 mins, so it shouldn't be much different and I planned on a 9:20 or 9:40 bus. I missed the 9:20 because of the shopping, but made the 9:40 and was on the right track - or so I thought! I get 15 mins into the bus ride when I realize that my backpack is extremely light... for holding a laptop... that I left behind the desk in the hostel in my rush to check-out and catch this bus!!!!

So I get off at the next stop at 5 to 10 - Cross the street to wait for a bus, that doesn't come during the next 5 mins - only to catch a cab that gets caught in every kind of traffic imaginable. I make it to the hostel and onto the next bus an hour later than originally planned. But I am on my way!

15 mins into this trip, where I had gotten off the 1st bus, I thought, "halfway there - alright!" It's 11am. 11:30 rolls by... and I go to ask the bus driver if this bus actually DOES go to the airport, getting a little worried... when he says, "yeah. We'll be there in 15 mins or so." not stressful at all. My plane was scheduled to leave at TWELVE O'CLOCK.

I get on the phone with my travel agency who informs me that there is no way I am making this flight and that the tickets are non-refundable, non-transferrable, so I just lose the $$.

By the time 11:40 rolls around, I am literally in tears thinking, "what am I going to DO???" and the bus driver sees me crying. He asks me where I'm from and if I am catching a flight (umm.. YEAH), trying to calm me down, and decided to pull the bus right up to the door for me under the circumstances.

I get to the airport at 11:45.

I run into the check-in area full of about 50 kiosks and find an available agent who looks at me with pity and says, "well, maybe they haven't closed the counter yet... there's a tiny chance!"

But God is good!

No closed counter. Checked in in 30 secs.

On the plane to Manchester!

Now Manchester is a different story that won't take long b/c all it includes is a 2 hr wait and annoying security measures restricting carry-on baggage to ONE. Including a purse. So I checked my tiny bag because I had a laptop backpack.

Next post will actually INCLUDE Crete!

05 October 2007

my first real Irish PUB! :)

okay, by "real," I mean one that was just for hanging out - not one for tourists that plays traditional irish music. And I got to go with FRIENDS!!! WOOT!

Before I continue, I will say that I will have a post about Crete in the next couple days... but I haven't had time this week since I got here to write about the trip and actually do it justice, so I am postponing -- and this evening's post will (hopefully) be short so that I can go to BED! :)


So this week's assignment from my Cultural Theory prof was to watch one of 3 movies currently out in theatres (Death Proof, The Brave One & Michael Clayton - randomly chosen) and write a theoretical review about them according to the questions: "Art reflecting Art, or Art reflecting Life?" and "Who is the intended audience of the film?" Well, I was sad that I couldn't use "Across the Universe" for 2 reasons: #1, I wanted to watch it for personal reasons and #2, he didn't give us a very 'girlie' movie to choose from. So I debated for a couple days about whether I felt comfortable whining/making a suggestion to allow "Across the Universe," when he emails stating that "Death Proof" was off the list (for several reasons). So I took my opportunity - and he agreed!!!


Yesterday, my classmates decided that we'd all go to the movie together tonight (Friday). And turns out "Across the Universe" only plat during the day. *sigh*

But did I let that get me down? NOPE!

I went to "Across the Universe" by myself and sat alone in the theatre at 4pm taking 9pp of notes for my assignment (I want an "A" this time. Got a B+ on the last one, dang it) and returned for the 9pm show because I wanted to be social.

We all went to see Michael Clayton. It's a good movie, but I am SO glad that he allowed the musical! :) After the movie, the 8 of us (7 classmates -out of 10- and my spanish roomie, Nuria) all decided to stop at "The Hurlers" - a local pub - for a "pint."

FYI: I did not drink - actually half of us didn't - and most of the people there were just hanging out visiting or watching the 'Canes play HOCKEY! :)

It was so nice to be able to just sit with people and tell stories and get to know one another -- and also to comfortably discuss some of the stuff going on in class. We kind of bonded! One girl got a photo of us, so hopefully, she'll email it to me and I will post it for you...

After the pub, 3 of us (my roomie & I, plus one of the other Americans in the class who lives 2 floors above me) walked home (about a half-hour walk) looking at the stars and talking about Canada/snow/ice storms in NC with one of the 2 very cute boys in the class! He's a good guy, but I am fairly certain that he is too young for me. Oh Well. We get along grand, like (as they say in Ireland), so I will just be glad that I have such a nice friend and enjoy other, more realistic crushes. :)

I guess the reason why I wanted to post this was because I missed both NC & Canada tonnes tonight - but it was so nice to be able to talk about these great places with nice people who are making me feel so accepted here in Limerick. I talked about the glitter in the snow, and falling off rocks into 2ft snow, and 20-somethings making snow angels, and Canadian & US Thanksgivings, and hockey, and the Superbowl, and the billion stars you can see 5 mins outside of S'toon, and the crazy crystal-like trees/tree branches during ice storms, and the Mile High Swinging Bridge @ Grandfather's Mountain, and Myrtle Beach... and I was totally NOT the only one talking!!! There were 3-4 of us who were all EQUALLY sharing in the conversation, fyi! :)

so that's my night. I am adjusting pretty well, but I have to give God and the small # of students in my degree the credit!

To come: Crete & more

25 September 2007

For girls' eyes only...

Hi girls! (Guys, I personally don't mind if you look at this post, but it's all more photos of the above 'genre'... doubtful you'll find it as amusing as I do...)

If you are offended by the material included in this post, I do apologize in advance, but if you know me, then you know that I took these photos in harmless jest, and that I will not be including any names. They were taken purely for self-entertainment and for sharing the true beauty of Ireland with the single girls reading this blog... :)

Note that 2 photos are of the same guy, actually, it's the same pic, but I really liked the close up, photographically, and Ky & I could not get over the fact that he unknowingly stood like he was posing for the pic, so the pose must be included in this photo montage!

Also note that, though I do actually know the name of ONE of the guys shown here (very bottom), I will not reveal it, but for those of you who know the story...

20 September 2007

photos FINALLY!

Hello everyone!

Here are photos, as promised. I took 400+ and Ky took about the same. I have limited these to the ones from my camera and these are not the only good ones, but they are connected to most of my stories. Sligo pics are only from Ky's camera, and I will try and post them soon. If you are more interested in specific places or scenes, please let me know and I can email you a few more. :)

A grave on Inis Mor (Aran Islands) written in Irish
Photo of a grave from within a tiny ancient church

St Vincent de Paul!

Dana, our Dublin tour guide/instructor on how to not look like a tourist

View from Castle Kilkenny "backyard"

Spanish Arch, Galway

Typical Irish landscape

The Burren

One of the MANY castles...

Ky pondering the immensity of Cliffs of Moher

Inch Beach sign (where Coldplay's video "yellow" was filmed) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI8I6qcxWyU

me being artistic

A beehive-style home for hermit monks/priests. One of the waterproof ones that are built using stone only - no mortar.

view from inside a beehive "church" - I think it may have been able to fit 5 ppl

me being artistic #2

back of St Fin Barre's Cathedral - Killarney

Front of St Fin Barre's Cathedral

I don't know what this is, but it's BEAUTIFUL and it's inside St Fin Barre's Cathedral

This is mosaic tiling of a floor section by the altar in St Fin Barre's

a view in Killarney National Park by Ross Castle

Rothe House - Kilkenny

Rothe House

View of Kilkenny Castle from bridge

Our rental car :) [nissan micra's are VERY good on fuel]

"I see NOTHING!" says Ky standing on a post looking for Castlefreke at the "viewing point"

Giant Tower climbed by us

this is the view from the door going inside

Butler House - part of Kilkenny Castle

flowers at Butler Gardens

statue/landmark for tourists who get easily lost aka "steph & ky" - Dublin

As far inside St Patrick's Cathedral (or Christchurch? oops) as we could get without paying

Typical celtic cross - all over Ireland - this one is in Dublin at one of the 2 big churches

"The Clarence Hotel" owned by U2 - where Bono stays when he visits Dublin

Cliffs of Moher

View over a cliff at the Fort in Inis Mor where half the fort is missing because the island fell into the ocean and created this - and ky & I thought lying down and looking over the edge was a good idea! haha

Some random castle tower in the MIDDLE of a town - literally right next door to this house.

I wish I could remember the name of this - but I'm tired, it's 2am and all I can tell you is that it's in the Burren and it's older than Stonehenge

Cliffs of Moher, part 2

At the bottom of one side of the cliffs... I love this rock!

This could be on a postcard, eh? :)

Enjoying the view after climbing over some ancient caves in the Burren... the flowers really do grow out of the rock!

The beach near Castlefreke after our determined excursion to SEE the castle itself

Wandering Killarney Nat'l Park - apparently, it's a little marshy

An island by Ross castle (Killarney) that used to the home to an abbey and some monks - I'm not sure I'd trust myself to put my full weight on that thing!

View of Clonakilty while getting "lost" on the way to Castlefreke

Random beach we found while getting lost trying to find Castlefreke - look at the brave souls swimming in water that never gets about 50F (~8C)

CASTLEFREKE!!!!! No trespassing here! (yay for zoom)

Typical irish scene

Kilkenny Castle from the "front yard"

View from the car on the way to Castlefreke with Ky driving... :)

Back of Christchurch - Dublin - it actually crosses the street

Aren't we brave up here in the wind on top of a giant tower? :)

Rainbow as seen just before being hit on by (in the words of Ky) pervy old man - oh, and the Ha'penny bridge

Hope you liked! Up next, stalker pics :)