25 September 2007

For girls' eyes only...

Hi girls! (Guys, I personally don't mind if you look at this post, but it's all more photos of the above 'genre'... doubtful you'll find it as amusing as I do...)

If you are offended by the material included in this post, I do apologize in advance, but if you know me, then you know that I took these photos in harmless jest, and that I will not be including any names. They were taken purely for self-entertainment and for sharing the true beauty of Ireland with the single girls reading this blog... :)

Note that 2 photos are of the same guy, actually, it's the same pic, but I really liked the close up, photographically, and Ky & I could not get over the fact that he unknowingly stood like he was posing for the pic, so the pose must be included in this photo montage!

Also note that, though I do actually know the name of ONE of the guys shown here (very bottom), I will not reveal it, but for those of you who know the story...


  1. The train/bus guy (first pic)...the traveling Danish guy?

    BTW :) Happiest of Happy Birthdays! Yeah!!!

  2. Pace yourself girl! You certainly do not want to overload on hot profs and passersby.

  3. LOL! I find it funny that I get the most comments on my hot guy post! :)

    Jill: no. sadly, I have had great conversations with TWO hot foreign guys whose names I did not get... and yes, the first thing I thought of when I realized what I'd done with the "hot argentinian" is, "you'd think I had learned from the "hot danish guy"!!! haha.
