18 December 2007

Update in list form:

  1. train to Dublin for day trip
  2. GRE - check! did better that I expected, especially with only 2.5 weeks to study!
  3. 14pp in 3 days (comp lit)
  4. 12pp in 3 days (cultural theory)
  5. day off
  6. errands all day, class Christmas party
    1. 2 profs for 20 min at beginning
    2. white elephant gift exchange b/w students
    3. 1 prof later for over an hour till the rest of the class went into town
    4. I went home around midnight (OLD LADY, I know!)
  7. woke up Thursday with a fever - that still has not gone away
  8. groceries/errands on Friday
  9. Sat & Sun in a fever stupor, complete wasted days
  10. woke up Mon prepared to get 4000wds done by 5pm
    1. got settled in, started to write
    2. 3 lines in, got harassed/verbally attacked/kicked out of the common room for being a 'student'
    3. went to department office to find out what just happened, only to burst into tears and have a breakdown for being sick/stressed AND angry at the same time... in front of 4 strangers!
    4. admin asst, Jess aka my new best friend, haha!, let me into an empty office to write
    5. spanish prof, Barry ALSO my new best friend :), offered his office for my use AND asked permission to go "confront" the REALLY NICE GUY (does sarcasm come across in blogs?) in a public place for my benefit
    6. got a text from Jonathan about paid work for me, interviewed, got work for Tue all day
    7. decided to change topics completely on paper, went to ask permission from prof
    8. prof had already heard about the harassment and offered to let the entire class have an extension until midnight on Friday (woot!?!)
    9. spent next while filing complaints - me and my stupid justice issues
  11. worked all day long as a proctor for writing test portions of interviews
  12. checked email and found a note IN WRITING stating that I did, in fact, have permission to be in the common room as a post grad (which is what I suggested to the REALLY NICE GUY when he waved his hand in dismissal and informed me that I "had better be gone" before he returned...
  13. Made mental note to go to the common room every day for the rest of my time at UL**

And that has been my life! Aren't you JEALOUS??? :)

**I was already a regular in the common room - it's my fave place to study/read/write papers, so I am usually there 2-3 times/week anyway... everyday isn't such a stretch! haha!
