05 October 2007

my first real Irish PUB! :)

okay, by "real," I mean one that was just for hanging out - not one for tourists that plays traditional irish music. And I got to go with FRIENDS!!! WOOT!

Before I continue, I will say that I will have a post about Crete in the next couple days... but I haven't had time this week since I got here to write about the trip and actually do it justice, so I am postponing -- and this evening's post will (hopefully) be short so that I can go to BED! :)


So this week's assignment from my Cultural Theory prof was to watch one of 3 movies currently out in theatres (Death Proof, The Brave One & Michael Clayton - randomly chosen) and write a theoretical review about them according to the questions: "Art reflecting Art, or Art reflecting Life?" and "Who is the intended audience of the film?" Well, I was sad that I couldn't use "Across the Universe" for 2 reasons: #1, I wanted to watch it for personal reasons and #2, he didn't give us a very 'girlie' movie to choose from. So I debated for a couple days about whether I felt comfortable whining/making a suggestion to allow "Across the Universe," when he emails stating that "Death Proof" was off the list (for several reasons). So I took my opportunity - and he agreed!!!


Yesterday, my classmates decided that we'd all go to the movie together tonight (Friday). And turns out "Across the Universe" only plat during the day. *sigh*

But did I let that get me down? NOPE!

I went to "Across the Universe" by myself and sat alone in the theatre at 4pm taking 9pp of notes for my assignment (I want an "A" this time. Got a B+ on the last one, dang it) and returned for the 9pm show because I wanted to be social.

We all went to see Michael Clayton. It's a good movie, but I am SO glad that he allowed the musical! :) After the movie, the 8 of us (7 classmates -out of 10- and my spanish roomie, Nuria) all decided to stop at "The Hurlers" - a local pub - for a "pint."

FYI: I did not drink - actually half of us didn't - and most of the people there were just hanging out visiting or watching the 'Canes play HOCKEY! :)

It was so nice to be able to just sit with people and tell stories and get to know one another -- and also to comfortably discuss some of the stuff going on in class. We kind of bonded! One girl got a photo of us, so hopefully, she'll email it to me and I will post it for you...

After the pub, 3 of us (my roomie & I, plus one of the other Americans in the class who lives 2 floors above me) walked home (about a half-hour walk) looking at the stars and talking about Canada/snow/ice storms in NC with one of the 2 very cute boys in the class! He's a good guy, but I am fairly certain that he is too young for me. Oh Well. We get along grand, like (as they say in Ireland), so I will just be glad that I have such a nice friend and enjoy other, more realistic crushes. :)

I guess the reason why I wanted to post this was because I missed both NC & Canada tonnes tonight - but it was so nice to be able to talk about these great places with nice people who are making me feel so accepted here in Limerick. I talked about the glitter in the snow, and falling off rocks into 2ft snow, and 20-somethings making snow angels, and Canadian & US Thanksgivings, and hockey, and the Superbowl, and the billion stars you can see 5 mins outside of S'toon, and the crazy crystal-like trees/tree branches during ice storms, and the Mile High Swinging Bridge @ Grandfather's Mountain, and Myrtle Beach... and I was totally NOT the only one talking!!! There were 3-4 of us who were all EQUALLY sharing in the conversation, fyi! :)

so that's my night. I am adjusting pretty well, but I have to give God and the small # of students in my degree the credit!

To come: Crete & more

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