12 November 2007

5 yrs ago, this would not have crossed my mind...

I miss snow!

Today it was +9 (low 40sF)and I was walking around in a skirt and a jacket while the rest of campus was dressed for -25 (freakishly cold F). It was wild seeing all this little mini-eskimo types wander around campus wearing their toques and scarves and ski gloves and not a drop of snow in the air. The ground is green, the trees are fallish/green, the river was flowing, and I watched people prepare for a blizzard!

And all I could think was: I miss the glitter of the snow and the feel of soft snowflakes on my eyelashes... *sigh*

I am such a weirdo!

I feel like I have a split-personality (which may not be far for the truth, haha!) and I am falling in love with Ireland while leaving my heart in SK. It's a strange emotion... :)

So that's my day. I applied for a job at the nearby shopping centre - we'll see how that works out - and I enjoyed my Monday afternoon routine (for the past 3 Mondays) of cozying up in a leather chair in the Faculty/Grad Students commons area/dessert & coffee-room with a book for a couple hrs and I am really enjoying the newly opened 16million-euro bridge that I can take to campus now! It moves... just a little, when other people are walking on it, you can feel a sway - kind of neat and at night there are crazy colour-changing lights that float underneath both entrances... psychedelic!

I have the priviledge of writing about this bridge for my cultural theory class, so I am spending lots of time wandering across it - such a hardship! If I had a camera - ANY camera - I would take pics and show you... but you'll just have to wait! :)

bye for now

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