19 October 2007

Crete, belated - Part Two

Now THIS is what I call AMAZING!

I jumped into this water off of a giant rock and swam... it is perfect. Clear, blue - you can see the floor 10 ft below. I was thrilled!

Highlights of my 60 hr trip to Crete include, but are not limited to:

Beautiful FRUIT!

This is a pomegranate that is growing on a tree in Mike & Mom's FRONT YARD! Less than 5 ft from their porch.

Beautiful HOMES!

This is a view of Mike & Mom's house from the street. Note the crazy-cool blue of the shutters (that was my room!) and the deck created on top of the roof of the kitchen & (outdoor) living room :)

Beautiful STORIES!

This is a house Mike lived in for a couple years as a child. He took us on a tour and told us what life was like when the river was deep and the town was mostly fields... when the only building between this house and his school (200 metres away) was a police station. And he told us stories about the police station itself! lol

Beautiful MEMORIES!

Here, Mom and I are sitting on a bench behind the village church. The priest visits about twice a year, but the people are very dedicated to their faith and take care of this tiny chapel. As we sit and bask in the sunshine and gaze at the beauty of the Mediterranean, we are reminded of Mike's family, history and loss because we sit beside the tomb of his parents (which you see here).

Beautiful VIEWS!

Top to Bottom:
A restaurant off the docks in Chania at night, a reallyreally old building built on top of an open-air restaurant, a view of the spot where we swam from the road, a church on a jetty in a village between Drapanos and Heraklion (sorry I don't know the names of these places...) & a view of the marina in Chania at night.

Beautiful PEOPLE!

Top: Mike's sister-in-law, Tasoula, is one of the nicest women in the world. She invited me to her house for Christmas (and my name Day, December 27) after knowing me for 5 mins!

Bottom: Pella Minoli, one of Mike's many nieces named "Pella." I only wish I was half as strong as she is. Everything about her is beautful... I love that she has such a loving, giving, accepting spirit. And if you're reading this, please pray for her COMPLETE recovery from nearly-fatal car accident 3 summers ago. Last summer, Pella was unable to walk, but you see in this photo how the Lord has blessed her so far. Meeting Pella was the highlight of my visit.

Beside: Mike, his brothers and all their wives -- how CUTE! :)

Beautiful FOOD!

Sunday dinner with the family at Apostouli's in-laws' place... 20 ppl easy for a Sunday meal. It's bigger than some of my Christmases!!! :)

DESSERTS. enough said. *sigh*

Beautiful PRODUCTS:

Olive Oil, pressed from olives grown on Mike's trees, on Mike's property, at Mike's house in Drapanos, Crete! These are giant and amazing and... I'm speechless every time I think about the fact that my parents have this at their disposal, a product of nature!

Wine. Made from grapes grown on Mike's vines, on Mike's property, at Mike's house in Drapanos, Crete! I am pretty sure that the casks are handmade, too. Now, THAT's craftsmanship! :)

I think that is all I can say about Crete for now, seeing as how I have managed to forget almost all the names of people and places. *sigh* Mom, if you read this, feel free to email me some of the info you know I've forgotten! And at the very least, practice how to post a comment on here! :)


more to come: travels with Ang aka 'speed traveler'...

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos! I added the ocean photo as a new background for the desktop of my work computer :-) Thanks for sharing.
