27 October 2007

RTA referral

Hi all,

I have been trying to find the time this week to post about my travels with Ang, and now I see that Ang has pretty much done it all for me! One problem (besides 3 papers, 100pp of reading, and 2 nights of socializing) is that my camera broke on day ONE of the traveling! So my suggestion is to go to the blog of Ang (this computer will not let me use apostrophes tonight, fyi) and find out the juicy details, but here is a summary:

DAY 1: rented a car for the week and headed out through Tralee to Dingle & then made a big circle through Inch Beach and Killarney before returning back to my dorm in Limerick.

DAY 2: kidnapped my 2 roomies from Spain and the mother of Nuria (sorry -- possessive contractions are not allowed tonight!) and toured Cliffs of Moher, the Burren and Galway before returning back to the dorm

DAY 3: just Ang and I this time & we headed out to Cobh and Cork for a rush trip, just to say she went, before heading back early to hear an Argentinian lady talk about her imprisonment during the time of the "desaparecidos" and her exile into Los Angeles.

DAY 4: Kilkenny on the way to Dublin (by the way, I am fairly certain that Kikenny is where all the cute irish boys are grown...) and tour of Dublin with the Molly Malone *slash* (since I cannot use slashes either... what??) Brittney Spears medley guy, Dave, that Ky and I loved so much.

DAY 5: up early to head out to Newgrange (a neolithic burial mound that was built over several generations and can only be naturally lit 4 days a year over winter solstice -- for more info, please refer to RTA), and returned to Dublin for the pub of O(insert apostrophe here)Neill for supper (VERY GOOD AND REASONABLY PRICED) before wandering about town finding nothing to do -- which is weird for Dublin...

DAY 6: return to Limerick via the Rock of Cashel. WAY cool! It is this giant monastery-thing that originated as seat of the high king (where Brian Boru sat) and later came to represent the conversion of Ireland from paganism to Christianity when the (then) high king accepted the Lord as his saviour. The tour is only given through the eyes of its christian history and does not include any info on the high kings. I did, however, manage to hop around counter-clockwise 9 times on one foot under the superstition of getting married within the year. Do not worry -- if, by some MIRACLE, that does happen, I will definitely give God the glory -- because that will DEFINITELY be a MIRACLE!!! But I am so not limiting God. :)

DAY 7: Angie left :(

All other details and any photos must be viewed on the blog of Ang (see RTA link above)

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