11 November 2007

Reasons why Jill didn't get her call this Saturday... :(

okay, so this is not good... I can't seem to keep up with a Saturday to save my life! There was a conference on all day Friday & Saturday that was being hosted by my department, a few of us went to most of that, and in-between the days, a group of girls from the class got together for a Friday night cookie-dough/celery&peanut butter night of girl-talk... which turned into a "let's meet the ONE guy in our class who's in town this weekend at the "Lodge." Well, it was 1:15am by this time, and we all were planning to be at the conference by 9am and I had never been to the Lodge. Turns out it is quite the hangout for Uni students & staff. Not a pub. Definitely a club. They were charging 8 euro and I was like "umm... no." but one of the girls paid my way, so then I felt obligated. It didn't turn out half-bad... I did have 2 guys ask me to kiss them (on the cheek) within the 1st ten minutes... lol!

Regardless - the boy (Jonathan) didn't make it because the club closed at 2 and he got there after the door was closed to incomers, so that was a little sad. When we left, Nicole and I had a 45 min walk back to our dorm, and by then I was frozen (only wore a sweater - was NOT planning on a 45 min walk) so it took me until nearly 4am to get to sleep.

But I made it to the conference at 9! Went to the 1st 2 sessions, tried to go home and take a nap, got distracted by lunch & a great conversation with a classmate & prof, went to the 3rd session and went home. I finally got to take my "nap" at 5pm, which lasted until 9am this morning! (Sunday). So, YAY for 16hr "naps"!!!

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