23 November 2007

who needs David Lynch to go insane?

I don't have much to say but I thought it was time to touch base... first of all: HAPPY BIGGEST SHOPPING DAY OF THE YEAR to those of you reading from the States! I missed sending out Thanksgiving Day wishes :)

My life will be a little hectic these next few weeks:

four 2pp papers

three 12pp papers

1 presentation


1 final

before 14Dec. WOOT.

I also have to organize PhD applications and letters of recommendations and deal (emotionally) with the absence of CUPE employees at USask which will affect my transcript orders...

So please don't expect much from me in the near-future!

Today I got to give a presentation on Park Valley, YAY! It was so much fun!!! And the class asked all about how the church worked, so that was really different. And the prof asked me to include more about the church in my paper. :) Thanks Ang, for the photos - they were a hit!

I can't think of much else to share... except the fact that it is below freezing tonight!! On our walk home tonight, Jonathan mentioned that he didn't see ice all winter last year... and it's only November... I am afraid I brought it with me -- HAHAH!

love you all ~


  1. more about the church eh? That should be interesting? Converting the world one academic paper at a time.

  2. Don't worry, U of S got my transcripts to me in record time, even with the CUPE strike. They're still pretty on the ball.
