25 March 2015

Health Coaching, part 4

See my response to Sarah below:

Hi again!

First of all, I have been thinking about all of these things for 10 months... so it is not overwhelming at all! In fact, it is refreshing to have someone willing to work with me and meet me where I am... so thank you! :)

In response to your questions, see blue text below:

Hi Steph,
It is nice to hear from you again! Great job on keeping up with the workouts! Thank you for taking the time to answer those additional questions!

That’s helpful that you have another reason to get up early so that you that you do have that little bit of added pressure. Briohny does have some amazing strength, doesn’t she? I suggest doing as much as you can when holding those yoga poses and with each little extra hold, you will gain strength as well as flexibility. I completely understand! I was unable to even get into a downward-facing dog position on the first day, but, after 6 days of routine exercise, I can hold Cody's downward-facing dog for almost the entire time! I can only hold Briohny's for about 10 seconds, but I have also only done her routine 1x... Today, I am really feeling two yoga workouts from yesterday, but it is a MUCH better pain than the pain I was in a week ago. That pain is nearly erased. I don't know how you guys come up with your programs, but, man!, do they work!
I am glad that you love the mobility workouts….Cody is great! The DailyBurn is great that the next workout pops up in your today page, however, keep in mind that the programs were designed with specific workouts to be done during the week for optimal mobility, muscle function and balance. A day missed here and there shouldn’t affect your results by much. I suggest that we work together to come up with a realistic workout schedule that you can commit to. Agreed. I have been doing some thinking. I am pretty sure that I can wake early (now that I've done it once and realize how amazing it is -- things I NEVER thought I'd say!!!) on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I can do the Tuesday routine after work, because it's a short day and I am off work at 1:30pm. And Monday will just have to be my rest day. Except Cody's Restorative Yoga. That is now a part of my nightly bedtime routine :) This is my goal. If I am only able to wake up 1 day a week for a while, then I will commit to 3 mornings, 5 afternoons, and 7 nights, for now. That's including weekends. I do truly want/need to make mornings a priority, though, so my ideal is: 6 mornings, and 7 nights. Did this make sense?
Sometimes it is helpful for clients to email their coach after they have completed their workout for accountability. We will check in with you weekly otherwise.
  • Do you think that will work for you? Absolutely! Done! I have not worked out this morning (Saturday) - drowning in chores & errands, but I will email you after my afternoon workout, for sure! :)

It sounds like you have been through the wringer with your weight loss efforts and your physicians. I am glad that you have finally found someone who is more helpful in that arena. That is excellent and yes…A HUGE win on maintaining your weight loss, especially through the holiday season. It sounds like spending time focusing on meal planning and execution.
Here are a couple of resources to help you get the wheels spinning.
DailyBurn Recipes – any recipes that you find on here will be nutritious and help promote weight loss and you can filter your search with the menu bar at the top, which includes an option “time: less than 25 minutes”.
Also, check out this great article on 12 Brilliant Meal Prep Ideas to Free Up Your Time
Eating out can really be detrimental to any sort of weight loss efforts, however, it is unrealistic to say “never eat out again”. I think setting a goal of now more than 2 times a week is realistic and would make a huge difference in your weekly caloric intake. I don't think you can use the links without a Daily Burn account, but I'm leaving them in here, just in case...

  • What do you think? I think that this is a realistic goal for when I'm home and in a routine. What do you suggest for avoiding eating out while traveling? (for example, I am driving 5 hours (one way) to visit my family for Easter, where I will not be in my kitchen. Is there a strategy for maintaining my routines while away? Or is it just all about planning? But I honestly don't know HOW to plan for that... please advise?
You are really on to something with your alarms reminding you to eat. Regular meals are important as they fuel the next couple of hours of activity (physical, mental and emotional) in your day. It is recommended not go much longer than 4 hours between eating something and you are already doing that – great! Thank you! It has worked for almost the entire week. Except this morning, when I didn't wake until 9am and immediately started putting clothes away & getting distracted with other tiny chores, so I didn't have breakfast until 11am... boo. 

Wow, I gave you a lot to process and think about. Take your time and think it through and get back to me when you can! I look forward to hearing your thoughts! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I do have one baby question: what is your opinion on, say, GNC leanshakes as a breakfast replacement?

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