15 March 2015

A New Journey, part 2


I can see things from his perspective, but this man also knew that I am dealing with a herniated disc, scar tissue throughout my left side from various injuries, and not a lot of free time. But I went to the gym. The doc had written that I had no restrictions, so the trainer dismissed my repeated reminders that I am inured and pushed me through a series of testing that ended up irritating my herniated disc for a week. Needless to say, I did not return. But I bought a Fitbit Flex and started making sure I had at least 5000-7500 steps in each day. That was more than I was doing before.

I lost the same 7 lbs for the next 4 months & returned to the physician, who shrugged and said, "well, you just aren't doing enough". And I walked out and found myself a new physician.

This new physician listened to me. And actually heard me. She was totally guessing, but wanted to try something: she wanted to know if, maybe it was my hormones that were wreaking havoc on my body and keeping me from losing the weight. So she diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and put me on Metformin (usually for diabetics, but used to lower insulin in those with PCOS -- I have no blood sugar issues, nor am I even pre-diabetic, but anything was worth a shot!) and Spironolactone (a diuretic). Sure! Why not? I dropped 10 more lbs immediately, and another couple pounds over the following 3 months, for a total of 30 lbs down since May, but still higher than my previous "highest weight" of 220.

I started seeing Sonya (the new physician) in November 2014. I started taking Metformin & Spironolactone, literally, the day before Thanksgiving. Over the holidays, I neither lost nor gained weight, which I am calling a success!

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