14 March 2015

A New Journey: Becoming a Better, Healthier Steph (A 5-part series)

SO! I thought about starting an entirely new place to blog, but I already have so many wonderful words here that I want to give it another try - I know it has been forever. I have been so busy that I've forgotten how to write - or even think - about any one thing... but I am starting a new path and I want a place to track it, so... either "you're welcome!" or "beware!".

I was at my highest weight in my life last May, after less than 1 year in a food desert. I now live at the exact midpoint of the east coast states.Every traveling from upper Florida to NYC, Miami to Maine goes right through my city. And there are what appears to be more fast food restaurants than people here, as a result. I am pretty sure that the Starbucks sign is a beacon for an alien spaceship. So I lived here for 10 months and tried out every. single. place.

It was not my finest moment when I stepped on the scale and weighed a quarter of a ton. And I was determined to reverse the damage I'd done to myself, both emotionally & physically. So I went to my doctor who agreed that I needed to lose weight. BIG SURPRISE! He prescribed me Belviq for appetite suppressant. And, as an appetite suppressant, boy, is that a magic little pill! But Belviq did not help with my sugar addiction or my poor food choices. I lost 10 lbs the first month. Then I stalled out. After 2 months, I checked in with my physician, and he - literally - prescribed me a gym membership.


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