18 March 2015

A New Journey, part 5

I will admit - day one SUCKED. Not for the usual "cleansing" reasons, but because part of this program is detoxing using essential oils and we were both so very miserable. Headaches, vomiting, general "icky" feelings... and by day 2, we were pretty good. Day 3 was actually a decent day. And on Day 4, we ran into an unanticipated snag regarding the supplies (because I can't do math, *sigh*), so we didn't make it through the entire cleanse, but we definitely felt MUCH better. And I had broken my enormous dependency on sweet tea (aka the Devil's Brew, in my opinion!)!! I also have not had any added sugar in 8 days. For those of you who know me - you know that this is a BIG DEAL. Not because I've never done this before - but because I HAVE gone off sugar before, and I lost 65 lbs in 6 month, and maintained within 10lbs of that for over a year. Then I moved to Ireland. See my very first post on here.

So where do I go from here? My sister and I were both doing this cleanse for different reasons. Although we both wanted - NEEDED - to lose weight, her primary goal is to go entirely whole foods. And she can, where she lives. But that is not the most viable option for me in the food desert in which I reside. So I'm considering 2 options: the DASH diet (because it worked for me last time), and the Blood-Type diet (because what I'm eating now is obviously not helping me stay healthy - even if the food itself is healthy). I have signed up for Daily Burn and am working on the Restorative Program that helps with Joint Mobility and Range of Motion. They say it's a 1-week program, but I have a feeling I'll be working on these for a while... and I hope to do the Restorative Yoga class at least once a day.

But, as far as diet goes, I am stuck!

I want to do the DASH diet because it is easy to follow, but I have been trying for months and haven't been able to make it a routine. (I miss my Canadian roommate who supported me through this the first time around and did most of the grocery planning!) And the Blood Type Diet is declaring that, for my blood type (O), I should avoid dairy and gluten. I'm at a place, immediately after the cleanse where I think I could probably do that -- and actually make it work using the DASH diet, but I'm worried about being too restrictive. Ideas? Suggestions?

*This post will probably not be published for a while, because I don't want to bombard anyone with SO VERY MANY words... but still, if/when you read this, comment me any suggestions, okay?

And that is where I am now (14 March 2015). I hope to use this space as an accountability log-slash-progress tracker, so I'll try my best to check in regularly to update my ups and downs of this new journey. Take care :)

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