23 March 2015

Health Coaching, part 2

I'm trying to be as open and honest about my personal situation here on this blog, so here were my replies to Sarah's first email:

Nice to meet you, Sarah!

Here are my answers to your inquiries:
  • You mentioned working out some mornings and every evening – is this a realistic schedule for you to continue to follow? At this present time, all I do is work & school, so yes. I need to take time to work on my body. I even managed to get up this morning for Yin Yoga, yes! (PS, it is really tough to do many of Briohny's yoga poses because they rely so heavily on the arms and I have so many neck & shoulder injuries that they just are not strong enough to hold the pose... yet.) Plus, I need a reason to wake early in the mornings and get some studying done, so it's like a double-duty accountability :)

  • Have you considered following the Recover’s full workout schedule, including the mobility workouts? I love the mobility workouts. I have decided that Cody is my new best friend, lol. Because of my inability to wake early, I could not do Monday's workout at all, as I am going - literally nonstop - from 830am to 10pm every other Monday. And, because I was up so late on Monday and have an 830 course to teach the next morning, I also missed Tuesday's. I am conflicted about how I feel about the way they hold back my workouts, so that my workout is not the one on the schedule. I like that it is SO personalized and keeps me in a routine that will help keep me from hurting myself (more than usual)... but it's really annoying to see it on the schedule all wonky... I think my OCD will survive, though :)

  • What do you expect from a coach in terms of holding you accountable for your workouts? If I know that someone is going to check in on me and ask if I actually worked out, I am more inclined to at least wake up and make it happen, out of some false sense of obligation. Not saying it's the healthiest mentality, but it's definitely something I am fairly certain will keep me from hitting snooze.

  • You mentioned being under a physician’s care for weight loss – are you currently following a medical weight loss diet plan? I am not. I struggle from May 2014-Nov 2015 with 2 physicians in my small city. They shared a clinic. The first one told me to eat less. The next visit, I met with his colleague, who prescribed me Belviq. I lost 10 pounds over 3 months, and when I returned to him explaining that I had stalled out for the previous month, he prescribed me a gym membership with no restrictions, so the trainer pushed me way too hard & I was unable to move for nearly a week. On the 3rd visit, he told me that I needed to stop eating too much. So I now see a female PA a half an hour away who actually "hears" what I'm saying. She is trying a medication combo of Spironolactone and Metformin and treating it like PCOS. I maintained a total of 15lbs off since May through the holiday season (which I am counting as a HUGE win!), in January, I dropped another 15lbs using the meds. This past 1.5 months, I've been on a 10-lb roller coaster. Today, I weigh the exact same as I did in mid-January. It gets discouraging. My PA has just suggested that I find a meal plan that works for me. The only one I KNOW works for me is the DASH diet, and I am a terrible meal planner. When I was on it last, I had a roommate who was an EXCELLENT meal planner/grocery shopper, but now I am floundering.

  • Would you be able to provide me an example of when and what you eat and drink on a typical day? This past week, I've been trying a new routine - and it seems to be working quite well, for the most part: I have alarms set with songs by my favorite singer (Jason Mraz, yes!). The song is about food: particularly going back to the earth to find nourishment, and promoting locally-grown foods - and I love it! I play it as I prepare my meals and I don't mind interrupting what I am working on to eat. My alarms are set for 830am, 1130am, 430pm, and a 7pm snack, and I have followed them quite closely all week long.

  • If yesterday was fairly typical you could use that as an example since it is still fresh in your mind. Please be as specific as possible regarding the time of each meal as well as types and quantities of food consumed. Let me know any areas that you feel you particularly struggle with and any dietary restrictions you have. Okay. So, yesterday, is pretty typical of my challenging days: I ate a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on plain bread with burnt bacon from the college's only cafe/grille at 830am. White bread & american cheese, neither of which I like, but I like deciding on - and making - breakfast MUCH less. Then I felt like I skipped lunch, because all I ate at 1130am was a cup of white cheddar popcorn and a fruit cup of peaches. So I was starving by the time I got off work at 4pm, so I ran through Burger King, where I ordered a whopper AND a whopper jr (both with cheese, no lettuce, no tomato, no onion) and a Satisfries. And I ATE THEM ALL. Okay, half of the fries. No snack, because I was so full from BK. --- LUNCH, lunch is the killer meal for me. When I eat lunch, my life is so much better. And, again: the planning... gah.

  • Do you enjoy preparing and cooking meals? I definitely enjoy preparing and cooking meals on the weekends, but it feels nearly impossible to do it during the week. Some days, I can pull it off, some days I can't. I am good at it, and, if I had a housekeeper, then I would be much more inclined, but that is out of the realm of your abilities! :)
I hope this helps? I also hope it makes sense?

Basically, I am just lazy and indecisive, but I'm working on the lazy part!

Take care, 

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