22 March 2015

Health Coaching, Daily Burn style (a 4-part s

So I was originally assigned Beth as my health coach, but she was unavailable, so Sarah stepped in. Here are the conversations we've had over the past few days:

Hi Steph,
My name is Sarah and I will be filling in for your coach Beth until she returns in a couple of days. It is very nice to meet you. I appreciate all of the detail in your email. It helped me to have a great understanding of what your goals are and your current struggles are. It sounds like you and your body have been through quite a bit. I am so glad that the Recover workouts are comfortable for you and great job on being so consistent with your workouts! We would be happy to help you with accountability to continue to be so consistent with your activity and with your meal planning. In order to make realistic suggestions for you, I would like to learn a little bit more about your lifestyle, schedule, current eating habits and preferences.
  • You mentioned working out some mornings and every evening – is this a realistic schedule for you to continue to follow?
  • What do you expect from a coach in terms of holding you accountable for your workouts?
Let’s also discuss your eating habits:
  • You mentioned being under a physician’s care for weight loss – are you currently following a medical weight loss diet plan?
  • Would you be able to provide me an example of when and what you eat and drink on a typical day? If yesterday was fairly typical you could use that as an example since it is still fresh in your mind. Please be as specific as possible regarding the time of each meal as well as types and quantities of food consumed. Let me know any areas that you feel you particularly struggle with and any dietary restrictions you have.
  • Do you enjoy preparing and cooking meals?
Congratulations for your most recent efforts – signing up for the DailyBurn, regular workouts, eliminating added sugar and making a plan to develop a new healthier lifestyle! I look forward to hearing back from you and getting you started on an awesome plan!

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