20 March 2015

Exercise! (part 2)

So yesterday (14 March), I signed up for Daily Burn. Maybe it's because it is marketed so well, but mostly it was because I HATE going to the gym. The traveling to & from + awkward shoering is such a waste of time, and I don't have time to waste. So I'm giving it a try! I found a program for me called "Restoration" that walks me through trigger points, joint mobility, range of motion, and baby-step yoga, which is about all I can handle.

I went through my very first 30-minute session yesterday afternoon and felt like I actually exercised without injuring myself -- for the first time in 8 years!!! Cody Storey is my new fave person! There were some exercises that I couldn't do physically, but Cody reminded me that that was okay. My goal is to work my way up to being able to perform these exercises pain-free, and did NOT make me feel guilty for not keeping up... he actually sounded like he cared - and that is rare. The last time I had that kind of encouragement was in Physio in Saskatchewan! It is a week-long cycle, but I will stick with this until I feel like I can push myself further.

I have also been looking into restorative yoga for a couple weeks now, and struggling to find a workout. Later yesterday afternoon, as I was scrolling through the individual workouts on the "easy" level, I actually found a Restorative Yoga workout! And guess who teaches it? Yep! Cody Storey. Seriously, I think we are going to be best friends :) Cody suggested that the Restorative Yoga workout be performed nightly, before bed to act as a sleep aid.

So, last night, before bed... I exercised AGAIN! WHAT?!? This workout was only 15 minutes long, and it was more stretching and relaxing than actual "working out", but I'm still calling it a win! I had one of the best, most restful sleeps I can ever recall. In. My. Life.

I woke this morning sore in lots of places, but it is a GOOD sore! So, the first thing I did after breakfast was turn on Daily Burn -- I feel like I am not talking about myself as I type this. I DO NOT exercise 2 times in one day, and then AGAIN the next morning. EVER. But I did this morning!

Today, I met Lindsey Miller, who walked me through trigger points using a tennis ball and a foam roller. Better than a massage, plus a lot less expensive! This was another 30-minute workout, and I was able to do all of the exercises except one - because it was at the end and I had to rely on my arms, which directly impact my neck, which is still in pain and quite ginger... but I will get there!

Last week, when my sister was here, we printed off photos of our thinner selves as motivation. And today, I plan to post them everywhere. I will share those in my next post...

If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions, please comment!

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