11 February 2008


That's what you will be when you're reading this blog. Don't say I didn't warn you! :)

I haven't posted in a while but that's because I haven't had anything to post about. But here's what I have been up to over the past 2 weeks:

I have read: The Lover, Utopia (the 1551 translation from Latin), Murder in Memoriam, A Modest Proposal, Gulliver's Travels, Happy Birthday, Turk!, Waves of Time & Himmelfarb (all you get on the link from the last 2 are citation info - sorry, no pics, apparently!). All novels. All for class. 15 more to go. YAY!

I have watched: Indochine, L'Amant ,Chocolat (no, not the Johnny Depp one), La Bataille d'Alger & La Haine. All in French. But with English subtitles, woot! Indochine & La Haine are my faves so far. 9 more to go.

In addition to this, I have been preparing my Thesis proposal (crazy setback 12 days ago after 3 mos of research and had to completely change directions. it was due today.) DONE!

And I have read around 7 academic articles as supplementary readings. And a 10+pp poem by Oliver Goldsmith (a 17th? century Irish poet). 18 required plus another 30 or so secondary readings to go.

For the record: all the work left to do is to be done in the next 9 weeks. :)

I did manage to squeeze in a day of Firefly with a classmate; it was for an essay! :) And I got caught up on One Tree Hill over the weekend.

I have 3.5 articles that I am hoping to have read tomorrow. 2 before 2pm and 1.5 before 3:30pm. We'll see. And I am reading Joyce's "The Dead" from The Dubliners before I go to bed tonight! I have a potentially intimidating meeting with our external examiner from Italy on Wednesday.

Things I have learned since coming here: geographical location will never change the fact that I like to be involved in EVERYTHING and make sure EVERYONE is included! Apparently, I am fast becoming known for my ability to be "in the know" about all things course-related. I am the point-lady for any questions people may have, like, "which classroom are we in today?" or "what is the next book we have to read?" or "which movies are for this week?" or "what are the guidelines for our proposal?" or... or... or... lol! I should know better by now. Apparently, my tendency for gossip is being put to good use, eh? :)

I am also very slowly coming up with a list of "Irish" phrases/sayings that I hope to get posted eventually. Just to let you know that I am trying to give you something besides WORKWORKWORK.

In my spare time, I have also been looking out for possible trips. I have talked with my cousin in Birmingham, England who I have never met and am hoping to get over there for a weekend - in my dream world, I will take a train into London for church @ Bro Greenwich's church, if possible, and fly back to Eire from there. The class trip, last discussion will probably be to Edinburgh (Loch Ness!) & 3 of us are hoping to go to Dublin for St Patrick's Day! I WILL BE IN IRELAND ON SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!!!!!

I have found out that I am required to stay in Eire until mid-July at the earliest, so no NB camp, for sure. Just so you know... :( But today, 4 of us decided to move into a house together over the summer. One girl already has the house and her 3 roomies move out in May. And I love this house - it's too cute! About the same distance from campus as I am now, but on the other side. (Jill, if you're reading this, it's Diane's place!)

okay. if you made it this far, you DESERVE points. give yourself however many you'd like. :)