12 February 2008

did you know...

that the first person to introduce me to the word "blog" was Brian Hannigan? We were playing speed scrabble at scripture studies '03 and he used the word "blog" and we all accused him of making it up. lol! Now for further weird/random facts about me, see below:

I have been tagged by Jen, yay! :)

  • Link to the person who tagged you
  • Post the rules on your blog.
  • Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
  • Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
  • Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.
1. My toenails must be painted at all times. I haven't had naked toenails since I was 11.

2. I wake up every morning with a random song in my head. Today was "I believe the children are our future" by Whitney Houston.

3. I only bite my nails when I am watching TV or if I can't grasp a concept and and concentrating too hard. Ask Kelly H about chemistry class. (By the way, I have no nails for the first time since I was 18 b/c of TV and concentration this year!)

4. I have not re-read a book since I was 8. I need to be surprised by the ending. Except books from the Bible.

5. I must have my shoes off while I read - even if I am in public, say a coffee shop. (I will add an extra bit in here for anyone who does not know: wet sock is my pet-peeve. I can't handle it, so if I get wet sock, I take them off as soon as possible - reading or not!)

6. I organise my closet in ROYGBIV order with whites on one side and brown/gray/black (in that order) on the other side and the colours ascend/descend in shade accordingly. hah. oh: and I separate by category - shirts, pants, jackets.

7. I am a one-trip person. I would rather stop 25 times because I am carrying 100lbs worth of bags (hyperbole, I know) on one trip (say to carry in groceries) than have to go back for a 2nd trip.

just b/c: I have recently begun entertaining myself by counting the # of steps between places. It is approximately 250 steps across the bridge to my apt, 475 from the library to the village between campus and my apt, etc.

there you go! More than you wanted to know before you read this post, eh?

and I don't think I can tag 7 people with blogs who haven't been tagged. Let's see...
Dan M, Ky & Lyn are the only 3 I don't see right now. I will add my sister, Tina, Sharon and Victoria to this, but they'll have to post on FB, if they want to.

bye for now ~