29 February 2008

the other side of leap year

Hi all,

I have no idea if I have just been out of the loop all my life, if it's not something common in the South, or if this is actually something that is unique to this part of the world, BUT... something I learned about today:

February 29 is best known around here as the day women can propose* to the men! haha! There are talk shows and mentions of it on news broadcasts and everything! I was highly entertained. I watched a pretty good debate on whether women should propose this afternoon. There was a very traditional woman who argued the "he's just not into you theory" and a hardcore feminist-type who argued that women should be able to do everything a man can do (gender-role-wise) without fear of judgment, and a guy who argued that he finds it flattering when a woman makes the first move (dating or otherwise, I guess?)... but my favourite was a male model who mentioned that has a few friends who planned a "guys trip to Kilkenny" over a month ago with the specific intention of being away from their girlfriends on today! lol! They didn't even want to take the chance!

I am not sure which part fascinates me most:
the part about how afraid these guys were of being proposed to OR
the part about how they chose to go to Kilkenny**!!!!

FYI - no proposals were made by me... in case you were curious, haha :)

* as in propose marriage, specifically
** aka "the hot-guy factory", in case you've forgotten -- what better place for guys to run away to on the day women can propose to them! Maybe women should just start making trips there every 4 yrs and propose to one of the MANY cute guys they meet... KIDDING! About the instant proposal, not about the enormous amount of cute guys.

love you all ~


  1. Let's try that again. The link didn't work the first time.
    Women proposing to men today actually has Irish roots.

    What happens when the woman proposes
