28 February 2008

pros & con

so I went through a pretty weird evening tonight. I still don't know what exactly has happened. But what I do know is that there are definitely several pros and at least one con to living across the Atlantic from your family.

Con: you can't give your cousins a hug when they need it most.

1) you learn that distance is a way of forcing a person into "giving up" control over situations...life...people...

2) you learn that emotions can't change a situation and that physical distance allows you time to achieve an emotional distance from the drama.

3) you learn what it is like to really pray. a person's helplessness in a situation can show God's power.

I am not going into any more detail. if you were directly involved in the situation and you are reading this, you know what I am talking about. If you don't know what I am talking about, then I hope you read this for the lesson and not for the story.

if you didn't figure out the lesson, well there are several possibilities:
1) hug people often* & let them know you love them
2) giving up control is less traumatic when you make the choice on your own
3) being emotional is not always the answer (hah! this will take forEVER for me to learn!)
4) God is amazing and holds us up in our times of uncertainty-He is good,all the time :)

*virtual hugs to my friends and family. my body may be far away, but my heart is still with each of you :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey kid. Glad to hear things worked out. I've been thinking about you lots since we talked. Miss you, you know.
