30 January 2008


you know what's NOT fun? going to bed at 11pm only to wake up (for the day, apparently) at 1:30am!!! So here it is at 5am and I have class in 6 hrs. Thrilling. I blame anxiety.

I just had my 1st lecture of the term *yesterday* - it was in utopian studies. I think I am going to like it, a lot! The course is taught by 4 guys who each take a few lectures to go over their area of expertise (Irish, French, German & US/British Utopias) & I absolutely adore all of these profs! I am hoping to do a presentation on a comparison between Swift's Gulliver's Travels and excerpts from Rabelais' Gargantua & Pantagruel - we shall see!

Today's lecture, I am hoping will at least be interesting, but there are all different profs and I am indifferent to these guys/gals... it is on "textual constructions of identity", so it's more like what I did in my undergrad, which is nice :)

I have officially completed my applications to the four schools. I have a feeling that Illinois is out (b/c I don't plan to take another GRE, which they require for the program I want to get into), but the other 3 are a waiting game for now - I will let you know if I get in, but assume I didn't if you don't hear about it on here... I have also been given the opportunity to apply for a 4-yr full ride scholarship to Trinity college. I have as much of a shot as anyone else - it's the first year of an interdisciplinary degree in the area of Irish studies I would LOVE to research - praying about that before I apply, though... I miss N.A. as much as I thought I would! but if I did apply and IF I got accepted and IF I got the scholarship, then I would be living in Dublin and not Limerick, so there would be more sunny days, which would DEFINITELY help! *sigh*


I think I am going to leave it at that... going back to Gulliver's Travels and some weird. rambling essay on identity - something about deserts and post-modernism so far - woot. now it's 5:30 - a half hour down!

love you all ~


  1. Part of me wants desperately for you to get into a NA school because I want you to come home, but the other part wouldn't mind having you in Ireland longer so I could go visit you again!!

  2. i agree with ky. It would be nice for you to be home (like SK home). but the thought of spending st. patty's day in Dublin, is an enticing one. Sitting on pins and needles waiting to find out.

  3. you girls are wonderful! thank you for the comments & the support! will keep you informed :)
