25 February 2008

just 'cause

Howdy :)

I don't have much to say (hah.), but I thought I would send out a tiny update anyway!

1) I finally got my room and schoolwork organised! I feel like I can make things happen now instead of swimming around in disorganised chaos... it feels good... :)

2) I signed up for ballroom dance lessons with 3 of my friends. So for the next 7 thursday nights, I will be walking 30 min to the lesson, dancing/falling over for 1.5 hrs and walking home for 30 min. Not counting my regular 1-3hrs of daily walking, so I feel good about that!

3) I picked up a temporary job calling alumni and asking for $$... sound familiar?? The UL campaign is only for 3wks, and it's an extra couple hundred euro in my pocket to support my traveling habit.

4) I bought a flight to Zurich to see SOMETHING on the continent! I'll be spending a weekend in April there with Lyn - woot!

5) I have made tentative plans to meet my family on my father's side for the first time in Birmingham, England. The ideal plan is to get to London for church at Bro Greenwich's service on the Sunday.

6) I have reserved a room in Dublin to spend St Patty's Day there with a few other americans - YAY!!!!!

**now's a good time to refer back to #3. Not that a couple hundred will suffice but it will make life easier! It will pay for both flights :)

Now I am off to finish reading an article by Dr. Griffin about Oliver Goldsmith... don't ask... but I am actually LEARNING something, so yay!

bye for now ~


  1. I heard you were going to see Lyn when she comes over... hooray! I also commend your picking up a(nother) telemarketing job. For some reason, a million memories of picking you up after work just flooded my brain.

  2. are you sure it was a million memories, and not just ONE memory (ie postergate) that created too much chaos for your brain to comprehend?? :) miss you!!!

  3. I'm so jealous you are taking ballroom lessons. I've always wanted to but could never get any friends to take it with me.
