14 February 2008

Scholastic Update

Hi All,

So I am on my way to bake cookies (a recipe I got from Ellie Paul that is a total HIT over here!) for a chocolate Valentine's Day party a few of us singletons are invited to. :) After the baking and before the party, I am going to see the Irish Chamber Orchestra with a couple girls from class. The orchestra is being conducted by a world-renowned cellist that I am pretty sure I met at an after-party with Lane & Reanne, but I am awaiting confirmation on that... I have decided that on my way to the orchestra, I will share my cookies and if the orchestra runs late, or the party decides to go into town, then I will have at least done something special with my valentine's day, right? Better than reliving last valentine's day*, that's for sure!

Back to school:
I thought I would share with everyone that I have gotten my research thesis approved, so I have a supervisor (not the one I thought - actually, he's sharing me with another guy, so technically, I guess it is the one I thought... whatever... long story) and (one of) my supervisor(s) actually gave me some DIRECTION today - what a ginormous help!!!

So here it is: I am planning to research literary-historical representation & constructions of cultural identity in 19th century plantation literature of the American South and big house literature of Ireland. How's that for sounding academic? I have chosen my two books and my theorist(s).

Next step: come up with a concise argument! I can do this... :)

that's all for now - back to baking!

not-bitter-about-vday ;)

* although last year was definitively my worst Vday ever (and I didn't like them BEFORE last year), I did share in the joy of cheesy romantic comedy with some pretty great girls!


  1. I love the thesis topic!!!! So many parallels! I've been playing catch-up, reading your past posts--big congrats on the possibility of studying at Trinity! That deserves a huge sigh: *Sigh*!! And a big yeah for summer house plans at Diane's! Perfect. She is so nice--as is the house!

    Happy V-Day!

  2. thanks, Jill! you'll have to email me and tell me what your past month or so has been like - Elizabeth (the girl from Greece) asked about you last night!

  3. what did we do for v-day last year that was so awful? Were you even here?

  4. My brother in law used to be in a band called the Irish Plantation Orchestra.

    This is the only info about them when googled.

