25 August 2007

random pics

Hi guys - I am dedicating the title of this post to my traveling buddy, Kylee-Anne! (you'll have to ask/complain to her...)


What to say about our last day in Cork? It was pretty uneventful, so this should (hopefully) be a short post! HAH. I will mention here that when I left off the last blog, I was heading out to my very 1st Irish pub with our roomie, Chiara. [I think I called her Chiana before - I apologize] It was so nice! There was this tiny group of musicians (2 guys on ebony flutes, a girl on the fiddle, and some guy showed up halfway through with a crazy irish drum) who had a microphone hanging above their table as they entertained a pub full of people - all ages, all nationalities - it was great fun and I was not disappointed! :)

After a relatively late night (and much political talk between the 3 of us - Canadian, American and Italian - it was... interesting? LOL! Actually, we were all quite civil and discussed things like the adults we are!), Ky & I slept in and left the hostel to go searching for a hop-on-hop-off tour like the one we had in Dublin.

It was a bust... we had been spoiled by Dublin's 24-hr tickets, so when they told us it was only good until 5pm and the tour times were not very convenient at that, we decided to walk around the city and find a couple places ourselves.

And walk we did!

We went 1st to St Finbarre's Cathedral (at Chiara's suggestion). It was amazing! The outdoor sculpting was phenomenal and the interior windows told ton(ne)s of bible stories in order beginning to end... the architect/artist was brilliant!

Our last in-city visit was the Cork Butter Museum!!! You know, when you hear the words "Butter" & "Museum," you think, "WHAT?" But it really was interesting (in a GOOD way) and we learned a lot about the history of making butter and how it eventually became Ireland's biggest export... and one of my favourite things was the fact that I knew what they were talking about when they discussed the machines/manner of milking - thanks to my latest Park Valley visit! ;)

Our original intention was to try and take a train out to Cobh since we were unable to find it by car the day before, but the train station was forever away and we weren't able to catch a train that would get us to Cobh in time for the museums we wanted to get to to be open. Apparently, Ireland closes at 6pm - except for pubs (and they don't serve food after 6...*sigh*).

So after our trek to the train station, we bused back to city-centre and I took a nap at 6pm that lasted until 10:30. whoops. My night was shot!

Next stop: Killarney!

There are no random pics to show. I keep telling you I can't post them yet! (blame Ky) :)

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