19 August 2007


[NOTE: this post will be broken into 3 pieces to make all the words easier to swallow... take your time!]

So, I will start off by saying, "I am a big nerd." I have entitled this post "eh" in memory of my wonderful Canadian adventures and to provide a segue into the wonderful world of spelling/pronouncing in Ireland. I have learned 3 ways to spell "eh" here: "aa" as in a town called "Naas," "ea" like "Steacy Ford" (for you fellow NB people) and "ai" with an accent ague over the 'a' as in "failte" - this is the nerd in me. Continue reading for less intellectual fun! :)

I have began listing my memories in a journal so that I don't forget things during the hosteling portion of the trip, so here are some highlights of the last 2.5 days:

While busing to Limerick, Ky & I encountered a group of psycho drug-dealing foul-mouthed boys. I had pretty much decided that Irish boys can be categorized into 2 major categories: gorgeous and serial-killer when Ky comments about how terrible that experience was. They were actually making a drug deal on the bus as we rode into Limerick. Sigh At one point in the day, Ky pulled a “wouldn’t it be crazy if…” on me and brought up the possibility of us being on the same bus as those guys on the way back – and SURE ENOUGH! I mean, the buses run every hour and we left at a relatively odd hour (3:30pm)… I decided that Ky should start a fortune-telling business with the slogan, “Come see me for all the negative options in your future” haha!

Other minor experiences during that bus ride included MUCH rain (insert sarcastic “yay!” here), actually enjoying a cab ride that didn’t involve an intense desire to call 911 for fear of being kidnapped/stabbed/mugged, really being excited to see farms once we were outside of the city (Dublin has over a million people), struggling with learning the rule of the road over here (any ideas?? Ev?), learning how to tell tourists from Dubliners and noticing a few fields with randomly spray-painted sheep. ☺

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