17 August 2007

Failte - welcome!

Hello all,

Per several requests, I have decided to blog my experiences here on the Emerald Isle. Tonight will be highlights (mostly because I am still jet-lagged and am only capable of thinking in short phrases...):

Flights = really nice! Stupid movies on the cross-atlantic portion, but I can't really complain. I sat next to a cute Newfie who asked me if you spell "retired" returd. I was very entertained by her!

Arrived in Dublin at 9:15am.

The next 2-3 hrs were spent in a state of frenzy/hysterical moments as Ky & I tried - and I stress TRIED - to get my luggage for University taken care of so that we could hostel in peace. This procedure involved a really cute irishman at the tourism counter (I actually DID make it out of the airport without passing out from hearing wonderful accents on beautiful guys!), another cute irishman who worked with the busline (apparently as long as I didn't have a surfboard in my box, it was safe...haha), a great bus driver who joked about charging me 50 euro/box to transport (obviously I believed him... *sigh*) and a really cute tourist who helped Ky & I cart my 55lb box of clothing/shoes/medicines/blankets onto the bus. Everyone was in such good spirits!

When we got to the bus station to find the locker that I planned to use for storage overnight, Ky & I had to stop every other step while we struggled to carry 3 pieces of luggage, 1 box, 2 backpacks & 2 purses across the terminal. We must have been pretty scary because the next 2 cute guys in my saga were seated in a bench as we walked by and they bobbed up & down about 50 times trying to decide whether to jump up and help us -- their indecision added to our humour of the situation... and they never made it to the actual "standing up" position.

After dropping the box down 2 flights of stairs (because I really am WEAK) and scaring 3 older employees out of their mind, I managed to (with the help of 3 people) get everything stored away. :)

Later yesterday included:

Wandering around Temple Bar district, meeting Dana Reed for supper, taking pictures (which will have to be posted after I start school because my camera cord is packed), being molested/propositioned by an old man from west Cork who offered to buy us all drinks, meeting a Canadian girl & 2 Dutch boys in our hostel room, napping and eventually CRASHING.

The people in our room were soooo nice and quiet when they came in! But I think KY & I were spoiled, because we've changed rooms tonight and there will be 14 other people in the room with us.... oops!


This morning & today was spent getting up at 6:15am to bus to Limerick and transport my stuff to my dorm! We got to see a room similar to the one I'll be in and both Ky & I were impressed :) It's quite new and the sleeping area is completely separated from the living area - and there's a balcony! woot! OH! And the fridge is camouflaged into the cabinetry - too fun!

The rest of today was 9 hrs of busing across the Island, grocery shopping and eating.


I think that's all! Ky is about to review and make sure I got my facts straight and then I will post straightaway :)

Expect regular updates on here (now that I have set it up) for the duration of my stay here in Ireland ~


  1. Haha, you guys made it! I am excited to hear many stories.
    I hear that there is a jar of jam and 2 fruit cups waiting for me at my parents' house. Thanks! Doin' the "told-you-so" dance.
    What does "failte" mean anyways? oh wait... welcome. I get it

  2. Hey! You met Dana! How is that sister-in-law of mine doing?

  3. Love it! I would love to be in Ireland, I hope you have an amazing time and I will be living vicariously through you! by the way, my Gramma Holt's family is from Co. Cork area..take pics if you are there!! Take care :)

  4. From the swirling hurricane-affected Caribbean, Brian and Marjorie laughed and laughed through your episodes. We will laugh about ours when we dry out from the rains here.
    Hannigans are from county Cork, too, but we are supposed to be whiskey-drinking Catholics, given to piracy.. . .sequay coming . . we are in St. Vincent, a spit and a hollar from the "Pirates" filming site, aarrrh.
    The camp and youth camp were fantastic. These young people are really growing in the Lord, some prophesied for the first time, most were entering in. They have a great grasp of the call to Sonship, and are serious about separating themselves to holiness. Kelsey will bring back lots of good influence - she is so impressed - and the Church in NA will benefit from the Church in the islands.
    What do most people have in their back yard that is Irish? Patty O'Furniture.
    It was great for all of us to get to know Lloyd and Roselyn David of Guyana.

  5. Wow! It sounds like having lots of luggage is a good way to meet cute irishmen. Perhaps you shouldn't have dropped it all off in Limerick. Just saying.
