25 August 2007

adventure is...

...discomfort recollected in tranquility. [Desmond Bagley, Windfall]

This isn't really an "adventurous" post. It's just a quote I found last night in the book I'm reading and I thought it appropriate for traveling in general. When I asked Ky what she hoped to get out of this trip on the plane here, she specifically stated, "adventure."

I wonder if this definition will fit when the time for recollection begins?

Today, we arrived in Killarney safe & sound - after a 2nd late bus so far - but with a much better reception that we had in Kilkenny! Well, sort of... :)

While waiting to get on the bus, a french teacher from central France started talking to us. I mentioned that I was hoping to get to France where I will be forced to practice my french and she offered for me to stay at her place! How cool is that? I don't know if I really will make it out there, but if so, we exchanged email addresses and hopefully she's not a murderer. :)

Once we got to Killarney, we realized that our directions to the hostel were a little "vague," so we spent a good while wandering the city centre until we figured it out - with the help of a few well-meaning "you can't miss it" irishmen. :) We got to Paddy's Palace (what a touristy name, eh?) and had lunch while we waited for the really attractive aussie to tell us about checking-in.

We learned that instead of the 6-bed room we booked, we were given a 2-bed ensuite at no extra charge because of a tour group that showed up last night. Woot! After dropping off our luggage, we decided to wander the city. We weren't allowed into the room until 4 and it was only noon.

We went 1st to the tourist office and booked a tour to the Dingle Peninsula and realized that we wouldn't be able to fit in a visit to Killarney National Park. But not to worry! In our wandering, we left the city centre and headed to quieter, less tourist-filled areas, we found a sign for Ross castle.

"Ross castle," we thought. "That could be fun... let's check it out!"

So we followed the signs & turned right. And we walked.

And walked.

And walked.

Once we realized that the castle was not as nearby as originally thought, we decided to make a plan. It went like this:

"okay. let's walk to that triangle and see what that is - and if it's not the castle, then we'll figure out what to do next."

arrive at the triangle. which happens to be a well of some sort and a sign nearby announcing that we have arrived at the Water treatment plant - YAY!

"well then... let's walk for 5 more mins and we'll decide if we should turn around."

5 mins...

7 mins...

and then a big brown sign:

Killarney National Park!

How cool is that??? So we take pics of Ky wandering in the muck of Killarney National Park. It really was beautiful, but I was wearing flipflops. :)

And as we turn the next corner, we see Ross Castle! FINALLY!

It turns out that we ended up in this amazingly scenic portion of Killarney Lake on a beautiful sunshiny day with a perfect breeze where families were feeding ducks and people were fishing nearby... so picturesque... *sigh*

And then we realize that we have to walk the 2.6km back to town. haha!

The rest of the day consisted of stopping in touristy shops, buying really REALLY cheap clothes at Dunne's (my new fave store) - 2 skirts and a pr of shorts for 8euro.

In the evening, I wore one of my new skirts - 'cause I wanted to feel pretty after 9 days of hosteling and cold showers for 3 days (hot shower today, though!) - and went to a free concert of traditional Irish music by young artists. (where I found aNOTHER cute guy - surprise!)

Sort of skipped my way back to the hostel with an Irish reel playing in my head...

What a fantastic day! :)

I found a Hannigan's Pub & Restaurant today - we plan to have supper there tomorrow night... and there's also a Hannigan's supply store of some kind around here (I saw a van) - maybe county Kerry is the place the pirate Hannigans decided to hang their hats? :)

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