18 January 2009

Singing in the Rain


okay, not so much "singing" as "laughing", and not so much "rain" as "hurricane"... but if I had entitled my post "laughing in the hurricane", it would not have the same ring.


I arrived in Dublin at 7am Friday morning and took a shuttle to my hostel. They let me take a shower and lock my luggage in their little room until check-in at noon. So I spent a couple hours wandering around Dublintown - went to Trinity College, a couple banks, the tourism board, and Penneys before I realised that I was so exhausted, I couldn't stand up any longer. I had been awake for 23 hrs. I went and spent another hour waiting on the couch in the lobby of the hostel until checkin. Once checked in, I slept. and slept. and slept. until 930pm. and then I woke up, walked over to McDs (almost every place else stops serving food after 7), grabbed some supper, returned to my bed, met a couple girls on leave from the Army - Olivia & Karissa - checked my email and went back to bed at 1130! However, my bed was right by the window and I was SOOOOO cold that I couldn't sleep, so I went upstairs for tea and read my book for a bit. Slept until 530am. The lobby didn't open until 7am, so I sat in the hall and read my book some more, then, at 7, went up for more tea, checked email, read for a couple hours, packed my stuff up, met 2 more girls returning to the States after a 6month missions trip in Liberia - Janine and Karisma (I think). and hopped on the LUAS to Tallaght (pronounced "Tall-uh").


Then Saturday really began! I met Diane at Starbucks and taught the Starbucks girls how to make a London Fog latte, then took my stuff over to Diane & Eddie's place before going to lunch with the two of them. After lunch, Diane & I decided to go to a GIANT mall way across town, in Dundrum, while Eddie slept - he had worked the night shift.

We took the LUAS to Abbey St and then had to walk over to Stephens Green to catch another train. We cannot figure out why the trains don't connect like they do EVERYWHERE ELSE, but, as Diane said, we have decided to find the person responsible for this faux pas and put them in a box while spraying them with cold water.

We walked for about 10 blocks, or so. During that time, the wind was crazy-strong. As usual! See previous blog. (here too.) And of course, it decided to start raining for the FIRST TIME IN TWO WEEKS the day I arrived. Who's surprised??? So we walked for 10 blocks in torrential downpour and biting wind. It was frigid cold and at some points, we had to literally stop where we were and brace ourselves because if we had moved on to one foot, we would have fallen to the ground by the force of the wind. My thighs and knees were hot pink for hours afterward, because the rain was so cold and it stung my skin. I could not feel my legs or my fingers for about 30mins.

I literally felt as though I had jumped into a pool fully clothed. I have done it before, I know what that feels like! And Diane was wearing a faux-fur-lined coat, which made her look like a drowned rat, in my opinion. She agreed. Our first stop at the mall was for new socks. HAHA!

I also bought a pair of fake-Keds in patent neon orange because my shoes were sopping. They were cheap; sue me. I may wear them on a regular basis. :)

The mall was wonderful - it was one of those multi-storey places. About 5-6 floors, and some mini-floors halfway between some levels. Definitely one of those malls a person could get lost in. I had a blast! I spent money on supper and I bought a 5euro scarf, outside of the anti-drenched purchases made earlier. I think I did alright!

On the way home, the rain wasn't pelting as badly, but we hit a wind tunnel a few blocks from the apartment and the wind was behind us. At one point, I couldn't stop and just ran forward until I hit a railing.

And the Irish call this, "blustery"

the journey continues to Limerick (or Cork) today. Will stay in touch!

love you all,

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a good time inspite of or even because of the weather. You may stay in Ireland and never come back.
