22 January 2009

My first conference!

So over New Years, I was busy working on my very first proposal for a call for papers. I had no clue what I was doing, but my very good friend, Ky, helped me. We didn't have internet and I kept procrastinating on walking up to the office on the North Battleford grounds in the FRIGID COLD WEATHER, so I nearly missed the deadline.

At 11:30pm, Calgary time, Erica let me drive her car up to the street in front of the office in the hopes that the wireless would reach that far -- and it did -- so I got the proposal turned in with 10 minutes to spare, woot!

I just found out today that my proposal was accepted! I have been in attendance at several conferences/workshops, and I am not sure just how competitive these things actually are, but it sure feels good to have my idea accepted by complete strangers...

I am still in the "WOOHOO!" phase, but I am sure the "ohmygoodnesswhathaveidone?" phase will arrive soon enough :) I will worry about that when it happens. For now, I am going to bask in the idea that someone wants to hear what I have to say, yay!

And this experience can go on my CV and make me (hopefully) more hireable in the future and potentially make me more eligible for funding during my PhD.

Right on!

Thought I would share...


  1. Congratulations!

    (And to let you know how the proposal I was working on went: it didn't get accepted for the book, but they'd like to have me submit the article for their journal.)

  2. Ky: sorry about the book, but yay for the journal! and thank you again for your help... :)

    Gina: Mount Royal College in Calgary

    Everyone: thank you so much for your encouragement! :)
