28 January 2008

Book Meme

I've been tagged!!! It's my first time ever - of course I haven't been a blogger for long :) Here's my Book Meme. As with Maryanne & Ky, "my answer can't be 'The Bible.' Because that very easily could have been my answer to #1, #2, #3, #5 and #8."

1. Name one book that changed your life.
A Wrinkle in Time. Partly because it was an amazing gift given to me by someone I have never met. The man worked with my grandfather and he and his wife gave me this book for Christmas one year. So it changed my life partly because it was the first time I recognized a true random act of kindness, but also partly because it was one of the first books to ever truly introduce me to a completely new world and show me the power of good literature. I felt like Sebastian in the "Neverending Story" as I read this book. :)

2. Name one book you have read more than once.
There aren't very many. I read books for the experience and I don't like to know what happens in the end - I like to live the story as if I were a character (see answer #1). I was going to say Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, but I am pretty sure There are Rocks in My Socks was read more... as we can see, I am just as indecisive as ever and can't choose just ONE! :)

3. One book you would want on a desert island.
Just so we know - this took me over 5 mins of thinking... I didn't want something I would have to re-read (see question #2), and I couldn't say the Bible b/c of my self-imposed parameters, and I didn't want to take a book where I would have no extra pages at the back to use for kindling on my first fire (resulting in a useless book with part of the story missing)... so I compromised: a book that will help keep me focused on praising God, with extra pages for kindling, that I can read over and over again - & I must say, I'm brilliant:
Songs We Love (version 3)

4. Two books that made you laugh.
He's Just Not that Into You and (man I don't read books for humour!) I guess I have to say The Monster at the End of This Book: Starring Loveable, Furry Old Grover

5. One book that made you cry.
Well, considering I obviously don't read funny books and I don't reread books and I read A LOT of books... that leaves a reallyreallyreally long list of potential tearjerkers... hmm... let's say Where the Red Fern Grows. I still cry just thinking about the book and I read it over 20 yrs ago!

6. One book you wish you’d written.
I am too busy being amazed by the genius of others to wish I had written their books, but I'll say the GRE Comprehensive Program 2008 edition - because then I wouldn't have had to study so hard for the test last December! :)

7. One book you wish had never been written
I don't think I can answer that. But I will take my friends' words for it and say PS I Love You based on conversations here in Eire... I was actually told not to read the book, so I haven't and don't plan to... I don't know if this counts or not! Other than that, I couldn't judge any book that harshly...

8. Two books I am currently reading.
The Content of the Form:Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation by Hayden White and Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

9. Five people that I tag.
I don't know many bloggers that haven't already been tagged! I may just resort to retagging people who haven't actually posted the meme yet... lol. Jill, Jen D, Shannon, MayB and Ang.


  1. How are you liking Gulliver's Travels?

  2. Yes! I got tagged!!

    And for the record, I loved P.S. I Love you. It was a great book. It made me cry. Plus, it doesn't follow the normal pattern for romance books.

    I haven't seen the movie yet though.

  3. gulliver's travels: pretty good :) It requires a thousand times less concentration than "Utopia," which I finished on Saturday! I am finding it tough to pick out the utopian studies issues in the book - I guess that's why we have lectures? :)

    PS I love you: I was warned against it for several reasons, but most of them were political. It was written by the daughter of the taoiseach of Ireland (pronounced "tea-shook" & is the prime minister), so there are nepotism issues discussed around ireland :) But those who disliked it vehemently didn't seem to read for pleasure so much as academically & their opinion may reflect that... just you you know where I came from on that! I have literally only looked at the cover of the book - haha! :)

    thanks for the comments!

  4. I refuse to read for academia. I read purely for pleasure. :)

  5. Reading for academia IS a pleasure.
