07 January 2008

One more thing:

Something I noticed early on about a one-year program is that I don't have much time before I have to prepare for the next step in my life... so here it is: P h D.

Some of you have already been through this process.

Some of you are going through this process as I type.

The process of which I speak is APPLICATIONS.


So I have a little prayer request for anyone willing to take up the challenge, but you'll have to wait till the end for the actual request!

As you may recall, I took my GRE (aka the hardest test I've ever taken in my life) in December and have those scores sent off to the schools in the States. I am applying to 6 programs in total:

1) University of Colorado - Boulder, Comparative Literature program & teaching assistantship

2) Southern Illinois University - Carbondale, English - concentration in Irish Studies & graduate assistantship

these two are complete as of this afternoon!

3) University of South Carolina - Columbia, Comparative Literature (including a semester teaching abroad in a country where one of my languages is spoken...) & any assistantships available (haven't gotten that far)

4) University of Connecticut, Comparative Literature (the most prestigious & intimidating, but I had to try!) & any assistantships

5) USask (woot!), Interdisciplinary Studies (english/history) - concentration in Irish History/Historical Fiction... this is a longshot because I haven't actually TAKEN any history classes, but I do have a professor from Cork in the History Dept who is willing to supervise me and go to bat for me at USask - if this happens, it'll be another tiny miracle in the life of Steph :)

6) University of Limerick, to continue my current project in further depth (kind of what I want to do at USask and Southern Illinois). The only way this will happen is if I get offered a highly competitive scholarship from the Irish government. I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon with a potential supervisor that I have been trying to contact since late-November and the deadline for this scholarship application is Jan 18... no pressure :)

Now - I am doing my part. I am taking the really really really hard tests, filling out forms, writing essays, making phone calls, contacting supervisors, ordering transcripts and paying application fees... and if it doesn't happen, I won't lie - I will most likely be a little disappointed. But I also know that this is in God's hands and if He wants me to pursue this, He will open the right door! (which is where you guys come in)

Please pray that whatever happens, I continue to look to God for direction? Also that if He wants me in a specific place, that He makes it clear?

The reason why I am posting this at 1am my time is because I just received a very encouraging email from one of the schools' contacts. I sent her an application for an assistantship and she said that it looked really good... so then I got excited and then I got worried that maybe I got too excited and then I decided that maybe I should just do my part and be willing to accept whatever God brings my way... :)

my life story, eh?

I need those friends around who tell me to stop worrying - I think your voices are all ingrained in my brain anyway, but I miss you!


  1. You are an amazing robot. While working on an extremely difficult one-year Masters program, suffering through bazillions of foreign diseases, and still maintaining a totally active social life, you are managing to apply to this many programs??? Seriously, do you sleep?
    I will pray for you, if you pray for me. I'm filling out my applications (only for two schools) and online forms are making me crazy, and I'm still fearful and in doubt about whether I'm applying to the right programs, if I'll get in, or what I'm supposed to be doing anyway.
    Love you lots, and feeling so proud of you! Well done, Steph.

  2. You and Ky are both amazing! I think you two both have more than aptitude- you have a calling. Those gale force winds may seem like they are blowing you around and round, but Someone else is blowing the wind.

  3. (P.S. the above comment is from Saryn, not the true T-H.P.)
