12 September 2010

Kidney Stones, part deux

Day 7

First of all, can I just say how much better my days get when there is a nice cool breeze & lovely sunshiny weather? Not freakishly hot, not freakishly wet... juuuust right!

I began this day with an 8am visit to the physician, who doesn’t make appointments on Thursday mornings, but rather leaves it open for surgeries and walk-ins, which was lovely. This physician spoke very good English (I was referred to him by a British colleague) & was able to explain everything to me. I had already figured it out, but it was nice to hear confirmation from someone who knew both French and Medical Terminology. He prescribed me a new medication, specific to the pain I was having, which does not make me drowsy – woohoo!

This afternoon was the first time in the past 2 days when I could walk without holding my breath... what a great feeling!

Also, because I am not confident enough in my French to take a taxi, I asked for directions to the tram station and wandered through the town centre (centre ville) for a bit. I saw a post office for the first time since I got here & was able to get a very important government paper sent off registered mail. I was also able to purchase a calling card (first place I’ve seen that sold them!) so that I can finally hear my family’s voices!!! Then I found the most beautiful area, “place de la réunion”, & stopped in a pâtisserie by myself for the 1st time and ordered my very first French pastry for breakfast all by myself! Place de la réunion has a garden in the centre, with a fountain and lots of shops surrounding it in beautiful old buildings... I also noticed that there is both a Sephora, a Bata, AND an H&M in the “place”, so I will definitely be returning (when I have funds, haha)!!!

I slowly found my way to the tram, which happened to be right where the tram office was as well, so I went in and finally got a pass. Having a pass is like a newfound freedom! I can travel unlimited now, rather than worrying about tickets that only last 1hr and I have to pay 1.30E every time I step on... and I found a little shopping mall similar to the ones back home, which will be nice for wandering around when I get bored and the weather is bad!

On the way home, I knew I needed an ethernet cable because my internet was supposed to be connected today, so I stopped in a couple stores on the way. I’d never been in any of these shops before, but a girl, Cynthia, who’s lived here a couple years now & used to live in my building referred me to them. One is a little home furnishings store with really inexpensive items, which is nice, and the other is kind of like Superstore in Canada (or Winn-Dixie Marketplace for the southerners)... I found my cable in the 2nd store. They are only one tram stop from my apartment, or about a 10-minute walk, so I am sure I will return when I am feeling 100% and get paid!

My internet is NOT working however, so that trip was not as urgent as I’d hoped.

I spent the rest of my afternoon trying to get internet (no luck yet), but before I got too far, I stopped at a payphone and made calls to NC, whew!!! It was soooo nice to hear familiar voices and tell them about the ER visit/kidney stones before they read about them online! Of course, I ran my mouth too much talking to my sister & mom and ran short on minutes for my grandparents and my niece... I will probably talk to them before this gets posted, but regardless: “I LOVE YOU MA-MA, PA-PA & CILENA!!!!!” I also think the pay phone stole money. I started out with 53 minutes, but only actually talked for about 40. boo. but I don’t now enough French to call & complain, so OH WELL. I guess I need to get cracking on that French fluency thing, eh??? Whatever. I’ve only been here a WEEK. Not even.

Now it’s 4:15pm & I am exhausted (again). Tomorrow will probably be a long day, so I will probably head to bed soon. Preferably without a 2nd trip to the ER.

love & hugs from France!

1 comment:

  1. This is very nice that you post every day. It does save a lot of letter writing to everyone, doesn't it?
    Glad the Doc made you feel better and hope you get it all sorted out soon.
