14 September 2010

It's about time!

Day 8

Today wasn’t much of a tale, but I guess that’s a good thing considering all the junk that’s happened in week one, right? I, myself, am grateful for the change of pace and the opportunity to share a very UNremarkable day... whew!

From 9-4 I was in meetings. The End.


But I really was. As far as stories go, I met another couple of faculty members in the English Department, and one of them is my official “new favourite person”. There has to be one in every group, right? So this guy’s name does NOT begin with an “M”, which makes my attempt at using initials easier... his is “D”.

D is a C18 guy, which naturally makes me happy... on top of that, his attire screams “fashion” (complete with the latest fashion of patent vinyl man purse in bright orange, which kills me) and his attitude screams... well, it just screams... the man is so flamboyant that I just find him pure entertainment, but he is also one of the few people who speak with perfect eloquence. When he speaks, it is said with purpose and excitement and makes one just want to stop and listen to whatever he has to say! Plus, his dark hair and ruddy complexion create a perfect backdrop for his brilliant blue eyes... yes, yes it is probably a good thing for my professional health that he is so obviously gay... but what a loss for the female kind.

Believe me when I say that – assuming my schedule accommodates, I will be sitting in on his C18 courses!

Other than my introduction to D, my day was pretty uneventful – WHEW!

We met with 3rd-year, 2nd-year, Master’s, and 1st-year students, respectfully, back-to-back, with the usual French 2-hr lunchbreak in the middle (during which I pretty much just networked & tried to breath through the pain of the previous few days)... after the meetings, I stopped by the local wifi spot, also known as McDonald’s, before coming home to enjoy a few episodes of Firefly.

I forgot how much I loved Firefly! I am watching them in order again, & I never get bored... and they always make me smile! So overall, today was much less dramatic than previous moments in the previous week, but still memorable to warrant a little journaling. I mean, I don’t want to forget my first impression of D, that’s for sure! He’s kind of like a cross between what I imagine Oscar Wilde to have been like... and the Scottish guy in 4 Weddings and a Funeral... if that helps... ? haha

I put on my Facebook status that I find it amazing how easily my culture shock dissipates once I’m in Academia. If I have books, people and people who love books... my world is happy, regardless of language, location or loneliness... that’s a reassuring thought: that I might be in the right field after all! Seriously, for the 5hrs of meetings I was in today, I spoke for about 5mins total all day, and over 4hrs of it was in French – and I understood the VAST majority of the conversation... what a great feeling.

Thank you for sharing in my ups & downs... and for sending the prayers up on my behalf. They really are keeping me afloat! Now I am off to read some Dracula before I crash... hmm...


Hugs & Kisses from France


  1. thank you for the international love... much appreciated! Now that I have the internet I can catch up on actually READING blogs, too... :)
