20 September 2010

the "i" word

Days 12 & 13

So things I’ve learned in the past few days include the fact that when I have the INTERNET, I am less likely to write journal entries and more likely to watch tv shows online or skype with people live.


I got the INTERNET on Tuesday (day 12). I was up early(ish) to go to the bank – got my bank card (PTL) and my own mobile phone, woot! I spent much of the day playing with the phone before I taught 3hrs back-to-back. One was another first-year course (last one of the week, whew!) and then right into a 2-hr LanSAD block. LanSAD = languages for students of other disciplines, which means that these are NOT English majors. But they are in Arts & Humanities, so either other languages (French, German, Comp Lit), history or “the science of education”. This class had 15 enrolled and 6 girls showed up. We did basic introductions, a writing warm-up, talked about the course, and went across the hall to the computer lab to look at the English websites I mentioned in my previous post. All 6 girls ended up on hotguysreadingbooks. Hilarious! So then we* all chose a photo, described what was happening in the photo, why they chose it, what the guy looked like, and if he really was “hot”. haha. SAD.

Then I went home to learn that my INTERNET was working!!!!!! So I talked on Skype with my niece & grandparents – what FREEDOM!!! And then I watched the latest episodes of Rizzoli & Isles and Covert Affairs before falling asleep to Dracula**+.

Day 13 was pretty uneventful – YES! – I had no courses to teach, which was lovely... but I went into the office for a few hours anyway. I prepared for the Third-Year classes & Master’s students that take up most of Thurs & Fri, planned a tiny-bit with Claire, met a new colleague – N – who’s offered to share some French music with me to help me learn the language... and started translating an article from English into French as homework for a class I cannot attend. But I still want to learn, so I’m doing the work for practice.

Then I went grocery shopping – bread, cheese, jam, chips & salsa, and dehydrated foods that I can fix with boiling water from an electric kettle (like soup packets, mashed potatoes & ramen noodles***) before going home to enjoy the INTERNET! I talked with my stepdad and sister today... gave a video tour of the studio apartment in which I live, the giant baguette I bought and a couple varieties of cheese that make me happy.

Then I returned home to study the IKEA website and create my wishlist for when I get paid, before watching Psych & True Blood before crashing. No Dracula tonight, but I got really distracted with the features of the new phone – including Bluetooth****.

*by “we”, I mean they.

**this book feels like it is taking forever to read, but I am kind of glad because I can’t justify buying another book right now... so it’s all good! but if anyone wants to ship some English books just for fun, FEEL FREE!

+ I almost said “falling asleep with Dracula”, but figured that just wasn’t right...

***ramen noodles – the ones that cost like 7cents in the States – cost 1,05 Euros here, what?!?

****did I mention that I now have the INTERNET???????? :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've got the INTERNET back. I hope it means we can skype sometime.

    I have a silly request to make. Please, oh, please, instead of using endnotes with *s, incorporate their content into the actual post (either by parentheses, or just putting it in there). I keep scrolling to the bottom to read the *s, and then I can't find where I was to scroll back to, and then I have to scroll down again for the next one, and I get all confuzzled. I'm sure that not everyone is as slow as I am, but I'm making the request on the off chance someone else is having as hard a time as I am.

    Love you, Steph! And I'm so glad you're having adventures.
