23 August 2008

Last Chapters are Dumb

This is one of the most difficult things I've done so far in this MA. It's really frustrating to have SO much information and know what it all means, but not be able to put it into a coherent format. UGH.

I have been trying (and procrastinating) on writing this chapter for 2.5days. I cannot put it off any longer. It must be done before I go to sleep tonight. I need 6000wds. I have 650. And 600 of those are quotes. *SIGH*

But I look at the screen and get writer's block. I am tired of writer's block. I never had it in undergrad. Now my supervisors intimidate me with their genius and I want to sound smart - and then I lose myself - and then it doesn't make sense. It's a cycle I've found myself in for the entire summer and I do not enjoy it!

And I especially don't enjoy it when I can actually SEE the end and just can't get there!

ugh. such a whiner. sorry.

okay - back to work!


  1. You can do it!! It's so close Steph. Imagine how much free time you'll have to email me the crazy happenings in your life when you're done!I miss them.

  2. Hang in there, Steph. If it is any consolation, you are not alone.
    I am trying to write the final report for my project in Turkey so I can get paid. I have almost all the material gathered, organized and know in my head what I want to say but actually putting fingers to keys is so difficult.
    Are you a prefectionist? Perfectionists are always procrastinators because they are afraid whatever they do won't be perfect so they put it off. At some point, to hell with perfection, just dump words on the screen. Then you can fix it.
