15 August 2008


okay, so a couple nights ago I had a strange dream... and if you know me at all, you know that when I say I've had a strange dream, it must be s-t-r-a-n-g-e! It was very fragmented, so I will just give you clips. And I warn you that, although I am crazy, this was ONLY a dream. All parties in the dream are not responsible for their behaviours in said dream. Here goes (don't click on the first link if you have a weak stomach):

1) outside at night in a backyard that kind of reminded me of the Sparrows' place. tonnes of people (say, about 30-50?), all YP coming from the cars at the front of the house & already a decent-sized group in the back yard with me. I decide to climb up the balcony. don't ask. while I am still on the outside of the balcony, I see spider webs, but I ignore them. Keep climbing, see 2 spiders*, one of them is giant - like 2inches in diameter and solid white. It starts attacking me. FLASH

2) I am in the yard with the YP all milling around me. a group of us are sitting on the ground in a circle, waiting for something to begin. I look down at my hands and realise that the spider had bitten me on every knuckle and that it was spreading. fast. I panicked and told people that I had to get to the ER or I was going to DIE. and they all stood up and went to play games in the woods because everyone had arrived. so I am standing in the yard all by myself, watching my skin swell and rot, and I cry. a lot. FLASH

3) I'm in a restaurant with a group of people from church. It's mexican, I think. we are all sitting at a giant round table - sits about 12. and there is a debate. Dan L is involved. and it escalates into fisticuffs. Dan is beating this guy up and everyone is watching, some are cheering, and I am stunned. and I cry. FLASH

4) going to line up for a meal at a church camp - similar to NC camp with the multiple groups all eating at the same time - the group assigned to come after us was a camp for anger-management with young troubled teens. I got distracted watching some of the kids interacting and all my friends left me alone and didn't tell me they were in line. I make it to the line just in time to be the last person before the troubled-teens, but the lady at the counter assumes I am with the troubled group and starts lecturing me on how to get into the lunch line properly. I try to explain that I am with the church group, but she ignores me. I don't have the right code to be able to get into line.

and then I wake up.


feel free to interpret.

*this was posted because Mary's blog reminded me of the dream. I'm not entirely random...

1 comment:

  1. Like always, no interpretations. Just a note to say I miss hearing about your crazy dreams.
