11 August 2008

the world's most boring post.

dont' say I didn't warn you:

Chapter 2, Draft 1 was completed and emailed at 5am on the morning of Saturday, 2 August. Had a meeting scheduled with Tom at 11am the following Tuesday (Monday was a bank holiday), so I slept all day Saturday and went to see Mamma Mia with one of my roomies and another friend of ours that night. Sunday was a wash - literally - I did laundry all day. And Monday was sleeping and cleaning the bathrooms day - and I finished reading the Other Boleyn Girl.

Meeting with Tom ended with an agreement for me to revise chapter 2 and add a-whole-nother section (like, 2000+ wds) to the chapter before continuing on to chapter 3. That morning, I got an email from Griffin to schedule a meeting for the following day, Wednesday, at 3pm. Tuesday afternoon, Nicole and I went to Ennis to drop off CVs in person to all of the shops in town - just to take a chance that we might get hired.

Wednesday, I spent the morning traveling around Castletroy dropping off resumes to the 2 major shopping centres in the area in the rain - it has rained every day for over a week now - before heading to campus for my meeting with Griffin.

Meeting with MG went well - new perspective, same expectations. I am truly grateful to have two supervisors who are actively involved in my writing process - and I think this thesis might just turn out alright! Having two different points of view helps me to balance out my writing and minimise my emoting, which is definitely one of my biggest weaknesses.

Thursday was a job search day all day until I realised that I need to stop for a minute and pray. So I prayed all Thursday night and most of Friday morning... and every time I panicked and went to apply for more jobs, I would stop and pray again. I spent the whole day in the library revising chapter 2 based on my supervisors' questions and concerns and by the time the library closed, the only thing I had left to do was that measely 2000+wd addition, haha!

And then Friday evening, as we were all cooking supper, I got my first phone call for an interview!!! Praise the Lord! After 50+ applications... it took me trying not to do it al by myself. I need to make sure that God is in control -- well, He is always in control, but I had to remind myself not to fight Him.

The weekend was spent reading and taking notes. All weekend. Well, except for the Saturday afternoon I spent window shopping with Serena and Diane. We went to the only mall in Limerick, which is across the city from the University, and they bought clothes and jackets and I just enjoyed the break. Sunday night, I was nervous about this morning's interview and ended up not falling asleep until 4am...

then this morning, I had my first Irish interview at 11am. It went well, yay! But I won't know anything at all until Friday. So I am still in prayer-mode. Learning life lessons has always been slow-going with me! The guy said that he was looking at me for 2 positions (one of which was not advertised, but is better suited for me) and that my CV was impressive (thanks to Dan L's resume workshop) and that I had a great personality and he complimented me on my interview skills (thanks again to Dan's lessons)... but there were 41 ppl who applied for this job and just under half of them are being called for interviews - and I was the first person. Maybe that is a good sign?

So there you go. My life is boring. Read, write, eat, sleep, apply for jobs, one interview and a film (FILL-um, as the Irish say). and rain...always with the rain... haha! I am starting to enjoy it. I went for a walk in the rain yesterday, just for the craic. :)


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