06 March 2008

Only because Jen tagged me ;)

Four Things Meme

4 Jobs I have had:

camp counselor
instructional assistant (I am in the pic!)
admin for (court-sentenced) domestic violence offenders counseling
research assistant/transcriptionist/etc/all-in-one

4 Movies I can watch over and over:

The Holiday
Bridget Jones (technically, this scene is from the Edge of Reason, but I love this scene so much! - I enjoy the first film in its entirety more...)

4 Places I have lived:


4 TV Shows I love:

CSI (Vegas, of course)
Criminal Minds
I had to limit this according to shows still playing...*sigh*

4 Places I have vacationed:

Orlando (not Bloom, sadly)
Bahamas Cruise
Eire (pre-move touring)

4 of my favorite dishes:

my grandmother's Beef Stew
tomato basil soup from Java's (UL coffeehouse)
pierogies (wow, there are a billion ways to spell this!) and winkler sausage
dolmades & pastichio

4 Sites I visit daily:

UL Website
Limerick Weather (technically, it's on my homepage, but still...)
Any new Blog Posts

4 Places I would rather be right now:

Park Valley
Hugging my Family (NC)
In a Hot Spring at Banff
actually, I LOVE the place where I am - I just miss the people who aren't here with me...

Four Bloggers I am tagging:

Plead the 5th. ;)

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