22 March 2008

Mormons, Mormons, YAY!

This was the cheer going through my mind the entire time I talked with 2 cute mormon boys on their mission here in Limerick today... :) It's a miracle I didn't actually tell them about the cheer, oh my.

So I am walking to the grocery store from the bus stop. It was a sunshiny day (FINALLY!) and I took advantage by walking a bit farther than I normally would have. This route meant that I would walk for about 5mins along a walking/bike path and let me tell you: when the sun shines in Ireland, people come out of the woodwork! I can't remember seeing this many people outside since the summer when Ky and I toured. I'm listening to my ipod and enjoying my walk when I notice up ahead two young men wearing black suits... and then I looked for the name tags.

I haven't ever actually talked to mormons who were on mission before.

At least a hundred people walking around, but at the moment when we actually cross paths... not a soul! So they stopped and offered me a tract. Now - do we know me? haha.

I took the tract, but told them that it was pointless to talk to me about mormonism, that I was a devout Christian and I would just be a waste of their time.

So then they asked me about my church. haha! I told them that we didn't have a name - that we were just Christians. One guy was from Idaho, so I told him about our assembly in Peyette, which brought up the "church universal" scenario. They asked if I had a local assembly, and I said, "no", but that two assemblies in Canada post their services online and I am able to participate online, which impressed them... :)

At some point, I am sure I mentioned the fact that I know mormons who go on missions & that I saw them (missionaries. not the ones I know.) all the time in Canada. They agreed that they are easy to spot & I said, yeah... all I have to do is look for the name tag... *sigh* big. mouth.

At another point in the convo, I mentioned that I am doing my own evangelism here and they were very intrigued! I said, well, I live in a 96% catholic nation and I am protestant; of course people are going to hear where I am coming from. It's a miracle I didn't stand there and evangelise them - 'cause that would have made for some great stories!

And that was my 10 minute talk with mormon missionaries on the side of the road in Limerick, Ireland. :)


  1. You sound like me, I grew up knowing a mormon girl whose brother did a mission. So I look for them to speak with them all the time. Sadly they never find my house.

  2. shipper girl, you can invite missionaries to your home by going here.

    Have you ever read the Book of Mormon? You might like it.

    What Do Mormons Believe?
