19 October 2009

Judge a Book...

Hi all -

This will be short, but I was sitting here trying to come up with research ideas and I looked up at the shelf above my desk and thought: "If someone were to randomly see all of these books, they'd probably think I have split-personality disorder!" So I thought I would share the list...(L-R):

Plato's Republic

Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia & Other Science Fictions

Ordinary Enchantments

Literary Topics: Magic Realism

A Companion to Magical Realism

The Spaces of Latin American Literature

Dark Horizons: Science Fiction and the Dystopian Imagination

The Immanent Utopia

Literature, Culture & Society

The end of Irish History?

Strands of Utopia

Demand the Impossible: Science Fiction and the Utopian Imagination

Captain Rock,Night Errant:The Threatening Letters of Pre-Famine Ireland, 1801-45

Jorge Luis Borges

The Image of the Future

Latin American Science Fiction Writers

And there you go! Books representing the various research ideas I have had in the past month. hah. Way to go INDECISION! :)

Love you all and miss you ton(nes) - and I do apologize that this does not include a crush-of-the-week bearded edition... but if it did, you KNOW there'd be a pic of MRAZ!

take care ~