08 September 2009

Serious Thought

I recently found a few questions that I thought were worthy of taking the time to answer... I thought I would share my ponderings here.

What inspires me?

I am inspired by words, language, literature & photography. I love "reading" humankind... I am inspired by the way people interact and how words, literature, language and photography are used as reflective tools. I love noticing the way people view themselves and the world around them, how they would like to see it and the ways that they use these four venues to create, encourage, and decipher their individual world. I find inspiration in the way each individual world intertwines, reflects and, ultimately, connects with the world universal... I am fascinated with how words can be manipulated, how language can forge bonds, how literature can reflect and how photography can represent both the person and the culture - how they can breathe new life into the mundane and edify humankind. I am beginning my studies as a Utopian scholar because of this passion. (can you tell?)

What do I love about my community?

I have lived in 3 nations and have managed to feel a part of my community wherever I am. I am blessed to recognise that my community is not limited to my geographical location, but that my community is "my world" - the people, the history, the culture, the architecture, the music - into which I am immersed. This blog is a personal (sometimes admittedly boring) blog that I have subtitled "welcome to my world: a novel" as an invitation to join me on my travels (both internal & external).

Charlotte, NC is my familial home. If you want to know what I love about Charlotte, in particular, I would have to say that I love the hugs. I love that since returning to the South less than a week ago*, I have gotten more hugs from strangers than I got in 6yrs living abroad! Charlotte is a big city full of Southern charm - she's got amazing history, a rich culture and her hands reach toward the dream of a better future while embracing the past within loving arms.

How is Love expressed as Me in the world?
(I love the phrasing of this question!)

I would say that Love is expressed as Me in the world via the relationships that I forge with people on a one-to-one basis. I put a lot of effort into forging real relationships with everyone I know. I ask questions, offer advice, love & pray for the people I encounter. I listen and I try to believe that I can learn something from everyone I meet. I believe that Love is exemplified in the trust, encouragement and edification that is offered to each new friend in my life. I hope that, through one-on-one relationships, Love (and Joy and Peace) is/are able to cross racial, national & religious boundaries and reach out to all of humankind - one friend at a time.

So there you go! A little more insight into the mind of Steph than you had before :)

*at the time these questions were answered


  1. You need to write more often. This is an excellent blog and reveals much about you that I like. Canada misses you, by the way.

    PS Never call yourself or your work down. People will put as much value in you as you do yourself so always value yourself highly.

  2. Thank you, BF, for the encouragement and advice - I keep trying to write, and had 3 distinct moments in recent weeks where I had something to write, but I haven't had time to write them! Midterms are killing me. And Insomnia for 6wks sucks. Hopefully someday soon, this blog will have a new post, though! I love reading yours, so I should probably reciprocate, eh? :)

  3. I agree with the Blog Fodder. Write lots. You have an intuitive ability and a great talent in communicating. Love you lots.
    Mama G
