15 July 2008

I can sleep in August

so I don't really have much to say, but since I learned this past week at church camp that a heckuva lot more people read my blog than I thought -- and that one lady has my blog on her bookmarks, but is disappointed that I don't blog often enough -- I decided to send out a short update:

since arriving in SK after a 24hr unexpected delay in London, 50hrs of travel and about 10 hrs of sleep in 5 days, I decided to get exceptionally ill, hang around Stoon for a couple days waiting for my luggage which had been missing for 3days, have a dress-fitting for the wedding I'm standing up in, get one bag, and go to camp a couple days late...

I love going to camp! It is such a wild experience going to a place where "everybody knows your name"*. I was told about 30 mins (and 50+ hugs) after my arrival that I needed to stop being so nice to people. The person who made that remark was not very thrilled** that our conversation was being interrupted by greetings and hugs and hellos from people I love... so apparently, I must expose abrasive-Steph to people from now on in order to maintain decent conversations with my faves... :)

lots happened at the camp, but not much of it was actually story-worthy. I am most excited about the fact that I was able to visit with nearly everyone I needed/wanted to - that's about 200ppl - in the course of 3.5days! I love them all so much...

since the camp, I have begun to feel a little better - I got over my jetlag on Friday-ish - and the illness is subsiding. I have helped Ang pack a trailer-full of tables & chairs, had my second dress-fitting, gone through about 18 boxes of stuff I had in storage all year, recycled 5 boxes o'stuff, gave 2 boxes to Sherie, packed one box to bring back to Eire and left 10 boxes in storage for future shipping to SC, and got some research started/continued on chapter 2 of my thesis... not too shabby!

the rest of my week is mostly wedding-stuff: one more fitting tomorrow or thurs, some pre-decorating stuff tomorrow afternoon, some research squeezed in whenever possible, and then on the road to PV for the weekend, woot!!! :)

I think that's all for now, love you all ~

*I just started singing the "Cheers" theme song in my head...
**more of a joking, smartmouth remark than actual irritation

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