01 July 2008


I just wanted my Canadian folks to know that I had several mini-Canada day celebrations throughout today... random outbursts of "OH Canada" and "HAPPY CANADA DAY!" in public places, haha! Nicole warned me that she'd have to disown me if I embarrassed her :)

Anyway, not much else to say. I got that chapter written, 4 days late, and have bumped my future deadlines back a week, so I don't have another one due until a week after I return from SK. (WOOT! about the SK part, not about the returning - or the chapter-writing)

This week, I am helping out a little with a Utopian Studies conference hosted by The Ralahine Centre for Utopian Studies at my university and will be pretty busy until I hop on the bus to Dublin for my FLIGHT Sunday -- so for those of you I get to see in less than a week - YAY!!! - I am terribly excited!!!

okay - off to bed now - registration for the conference begins in 8 hrs.

what a boring post. sorry.

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