24 July 2008

(it's the little things...

...that make a person feel at home.)

For those of you who heard me whine about the weather here in Ireland while I was enjoying SK sunshine, I would like to state that yesterday was quite a nice day! It was warm and sunny with some clouds meandering in late afternoon... no complaining here!

I don't have much to say:

I flew for 22.5hrs and arrived into Castletroy around 7:30pm Tuesday & since then I have slept, ate and walked to the library (only to be disappointed that they did not have the books I ordered nearly 3 weeks prior through inter-library loans...).

Ireland did not change much in the past couple weeks - except for an obvious influx of tourists. There were lots of tourists before I left, but there are masses everywhere you look now. And I did find myself really happy when I heard the Irish flight attendant say "cheers" to one of the Amsterdam airport employees as he helped closed the plane door on my flight to Dublin... I had missed the quaint little "irishisms" and I am glad to return to a world where they are everyday lingo :)

On a different note, I miss everyone in Canada and am so glad I got to visit with as many people as I did! It was truly a special time for me and I am especially glad that I was able to celebrate my BFF's wedding! :)

I'm fairly certain I've reached a point of split-personality where I am in love with too many places and feel at home in all of them.

love you all...

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