18 September 2007

wild & crazy!

(the hair, that is!)

So I am going to skip ahead today instead of the usual chronological timeline I've had going so far because I would like to introduce you to the new (and improved?) Stephanie:

YEAH. This is me after my adventurous day!

It started out normal about 8 hrs ago... and then I had class with my 2 new crushes. One is a prof! *sigh* I've never had a crush on a teacher/prof before. He's a Mike -- see previous blog re Galway part 1 for more info on this topic -- and he's soo... intellectual! :)

Anyway. The class is 3 hrs every Tue morning and it is not a "fluff" course. I am constantly writing, thinking, asking questions, discussing for the entire time... oh... and I am being a girl and truly enjoying just listening to the prof talk... I never saw it before, for any of you who have had these crushes before, but now I get it!

So. After 3 hrs of intense concentration (of various kinds), I went to get some lunch in the restaurant around the corner and a fellow student (from California) and my prof both walk in after me. No biggie, right? Right. Until we all get into the cashier line (I had never eaten here before) and I am in front -- and it's cash only -- and I have no money... AND Ireland doesn't understand the concept of having ATMs in convenient locations! So I am a little panicked and about to remove my tray when this 5 euro bills pops up in front of me... of COURSE -- the prof is not only attractive, smart, funny and successful... but he's generous, too! *SIGH*

By now I am thoroughly embarrassed. My first thought is "isn't he great?" which immediately switches into over-analysis Stephanie thinking, "what if he thinks you're some flighty idiot and only wanted you out of the line so that he could eat his lunch???"


oh well! Now that I owe him $$, I have another reason to go to his office... :)

So this pic is not just a result of that adventure. It's all-inclusive. After lunch, I had another 2 hr research methodologies class where I sat the entire time with my hands in my hair trying not to get stressed about all the research I have to do. And then I walked my 15 min walk home in some crazy, blustery, soft rain nonsense that made my hair at one point literally stand straight up! :)

So I thought, "hmmm... why don't I share the new Irish Stephanie with all my friends back home?" And here you are! :)

Coming soon:
my other crush, a list of things I miss about Canada and photos from the hosteling adventure. Hopefully by Friday at the latest! :)

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