25 August 2013

My very first self-promoted course!

Below is an email that I sent out last Friday to the Students and Faculty at my college. I literally JUST realized that, somewhere in my drafting, I managed to remove the course prefix, # and section #... oops. But, regardless, I'd love your feedback! Here's what I sent: 

Hello everyone!

I am very excited to be teaching the new Mini-Mester course, "HUM XXX: "American Women's Studies", beginning on 15 October 2013

If you are a woman... OR if you know a woman, then this course is the place to be!

This won't be your "typical" college course where we read and learn about things that have already happened - things over which we may have no influenceWe will be discussing topics that are relevant in today's society, political and cultural movements in recent years, and why Women's issues are no longer limited to empowering women, but are also about teaching and empowering men to fight for women's rightsWe won't be sitting around complaining. We won't be casting blame. We will be looking for ways that each of us might become productive members of American Society in 2013.
  • Did you know that, 50 years after John F. Kennedy passed the "Equal Pay Act", women are still only making 77 cents for every dollar a man makes?
  • Did you know that, in Texas, in 2013, a female senator stood for 12 hours and 45 minutes in a filibuster that was witnessed live across the nation, in an effort to keep new abortion laws from being passed? And that the law was still passed a couple weeks later? Or that similar laws are being
    proposed (
    and passed) in North Carolina
  • Did you know that, in colleges and universities around the nation, students and faculty are protesting against what is 
     ermed "rape culture"? They are speaking out against an America where both the word "rape" and the act of rape have been silenced and, at the same time, normalized, acceptable.

It is tough to accept that these are issues that are not only unresolved, but also growing in 2013. You can stay informed (because knowledge is power),find ways to avoid participating in this epidemic (inadvertently), and gain intellectual ammunition so that you are able to join the fight against current trends in American Culture that leave women unprotected (if you choose).

Below is the catalog description: 

This course provides an inter-disciplinary study of the history, literature, and social roles of American women from Colonial times to the present. Emphasis is placed on women’s roles as reflected in American language usage, education, law, the workplace, and mainstream culture. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and analyze the roles of women as reflected in various cultural forms. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement general education core requirement in humanities/fine arts. 

HUM XXX satisfies elective courses in the following programs:
  • Nursing
  • Associates in Arts, Science & General Education
  • Automotive Systems Technology
  • Business Administration
  • Computer Information Technology
  • Criminal Justice Technology
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Human Services Technology
  • Industrial Systems Technology
  • Medical Laboratory Technology
  • Medical Office Administration, and 
  • Office Administration

I have also attached flyers to this email, if you'd like to print some off and share them.

Here's to changing the world, one person at a time, 
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin

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