25 August 2013

A rare day in the life of Me:

Hoping it isn't possible to overdose by mixing health drinks! I've been drinking protein shakes for breakfast for just over a month... then about a week ago, I got back into the habit of drinking an Emergen-C packet to boost my immune system, now that I'm interacting with hundreds of people & touching way more door knobs than my OCD can handle... and today, I added .5tsp of Vitamineral Green for an added boost of energy, immunity and cleansing. I can always feel an almost immediate difference in energy when I take the Vitamineral Green, so I don't want to give it up. But I've got a mild version of "the shakes" right now, so I'm wondering if there is a connection... hmmm...

In other news: what a great weekend!

Now, bear in mind that my "great" and most people's "great" aren't exactly parallel, haha. I fueled up my car for the first time in 3 weeks! I spent 5 hours in a Starbucks people watching and class planning. Then came home, ate, and graded for another 5 hrs. I had an awesome 2.5-hr phone date with my friend in California (whom I met in Ireland); she is a High School English teacher, so we spent over half the conversation discussing pedagogical theory & practice - and I loved it!

This morning, I was wide awake at 8:30am - completely out of character for me, but this new mattress allows me to get better rest in fewer hours than I have ever gotten in my life!

I played on my phone for a half hour, looking at Groupon and catching up on the past 9hrs of Facebook (because SO much happens on FB between the hours of 11pm & 8am on a Saturday night?), before I made my way, reluctantly into the kitchen to tackle the mountain of dishes. I am sure that's hyperbolic - I just hadn't done dishes in a few days and had run out of both clean cups & clean cutlery, so it was time. Spent the past hour emailing students and organizing my emails/documents files, and it's not even 11am. Wild.

The rest of my day should look like this:

  1. Review the 500+ assignments that have been posted to Blackboard in the past 10 days. 
  2. Post grades on Blackboard for all assignments submitted thus far.
  3. Place items on my walls that are just laying around in the few remaining half-unpacked boxes.
  4. Go grocery shopping
  5. Possibly go to Walmart (if not today, then tomorrow) to find window cling that I intend to place on the sliding glass doors in my bedroom as a room darkener. The curtains I've been using for the past 4 years are just a wee bit too short.
  6. Research nearby hair salons - the silver is beginning to show again :)
  7. Catch up on my budget.
  8. Make some of that Starbucks coffee that I purchased yesterday, Kati-Kati, in my French Press.
  9. Figure out how many KWH I've used so far, so that my first Electric Bill this month isn't such a shock.
  10. Plan for 2 more classes.
So, what have we learned about Steph in this post?

That she finds the menial, domestic, tedious and quotidian to be blessings. Days filled with calm and dependability are rare in my life, and should NOT be taken for granted :)

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