17 July 2010

living on the shore of storks

I'm back!

SOoooo sorry that I've been such a slacker, but if you know me at all... or even if you only read this blog, you'll note that I have a habit of not posting when life gets too repetitive or boring, then I pretty much just avoid posting. bad habit, I know, but to be fair, my life does have some stories to tell, even if there are some bare spots every once in a while. right? haha.

here's a mini-update - I have lots that I would love to update, but most of it involves paper-writing... except THIS...

Here's what happened:
I had just written a 20pp paper* the day before, and was beginning to write my FINAL 20pp of the year (WHEW!) a few days ago, when I received an email from the university where I'll be teaching this school year & learned that there was a problem... OF COURSE.

The application for university housing I sent in April had not been received. & they were just now telling me in mid-July**. (surprised? not if you know me. or read this blog.)

Not only had my application not been accepted, but the residence I was applying for required a guarantor & that had not been mentioned in the many conversation I'd been having over the previous 8mos.

I quickly replied and asked what previous lectrices visiting from U of SC had done - or if they just chose not to live on campus - and learned that this was a new situation because the apt I was requesting was a new bldg and hadn't been built the last time a U of SC student was here...

so I re-turned in my applications (scan to PDF this time) and waited.

the following day (yesterday), I got another email from my contact at the French Uni and she had done some research.

The last lectrice to live on-campus had stayed in another bldg, one with apts specifically for visiting professors, and one that did not require a guarantor...

and THEN I learned just how awesome this little 'hiccup' in my plans really is!!!

YES! This is a GoogleEarth snapshot of my residence in France! WHEW! I received the confirmation in writing by email today. All is well again in Stephland :)

And since we all know how much I love listing things:
  • all of the little bldgs in the centre of this photo is the residence complex.
  • the larger bldg in the top of of the photo (surrounded by the parking lot) is an hypermarché (kind of like a superWalmart)
  • right under the 'e' in Charles is a tram station that takes me to both campus and centre ville (city centre)
  • a sports field in the bottom left corner***
  • that dark green line down the right side is a river...
and information on the actual apartment (with comparison to my original plan):
  • 270 sqft / 25 sqm -- compared to 165 sqft / 16 sqm
  • 3 rooms (bedroom, living/kitchen/dining, bathroom) --- compared to one room for all
  • halfway**** between both campus & centre ville --- compared to right on campus
  • 2 twin beds (the apt was originally planned for couples, I'm told?) --- only one in the first place... vistors welcome! :)
I cannot believe how much of a blessing this is! God is great. As usual. :)

I am also beginning to think that I might be getting a little excited over this new adventure!!! Will try and be more diligent in my updates...


the title of this post comes from the street name of the complex - well, it's english translation...

*just realized I started talking about writing almost immediately after I said I had other things to talk about...
**I had been asking about it for a couple weeks, but couldn't really do anything until the aforementioned essays were complete
*** like I'll ever use it... but it may be nice for watching cute French soccer players, right?
****it's a 20min walk to both


  1. Now that is exciting news. What an awesome place to live for your term as lectrice (female electrician?)

    And since you are going to be in Europe and have no water to cross such as when you were in Ireland, you can come and visit.

  2. HOW amazing!!!! I'm so excited for you and your coming up French adventures! I'm around so let me know if you want to grab lunch soon!
