20 April 2010

Yep, welcome to my world.

Copied & Pasted from a FB message I sent some classmates:

So I took my MA in Ireland, right? In Limerick. I had a class of 11 people; 9 of us became bestest, lifelong friends. One of those friends is named Muireann*.


Muireann has spent this past semester in Boston on a practicum exchange with her Uni in Ireland. She went on to take another MA in Journalism at UCD (Dublin) after our Comp Lit program. We've been talking/texting since she arrived in January, but weren't ever able to actually meet with each other in person.

This week, I was thinking about how sad it was that we were both on the same side of the Pond, but couldn't get a visit in - not realistic, but still... and then yesterday she FB messages me to tell me she'll be in Cola** visiting her cousin next weekend, so yay!

And why do I think this is worth a long tale, you ask?

Because I invited her to come to a Green Quad pool party at my apartment complex the Friday night she's in town. And this was her reply (paraphrased, my emphasis):

well, I don't think my cousin would be up for a pool party, as she's a little older... you may know her... her name is Mary Anne Fitzpatrick & she's the DEAN of the college of Arts & Science at USC. Is that where you go to school?

IS THAT WHERE I GO TO SCHOOL? HAHAHAHA! I replied to her and told her that her cousin was still invited to the pool party, but even if they didn't come, Muireann was more than welcome to tell Mary Anne how awesome I am and that she is more than welcome to throw some funding my way!

Yes, I did say that.

So there you go! My world is sooooooooooooo small sometimes!


*pronounced "mweerin" - I love Irish names!
**apparently the way we "locals" short-hand Columbia... who needs an "umbi" if you can avoid it?


  1. I just hardcore laughed in the cubicles of the third floor of the library (where I have hit my arms and legs about 100 times already) at the "who needs an 'umbi'?" LOVE IT.

  2. Your world is way too crazy small. Good story!

  3. NCS, what a great story. How interconnected is the world in which we live!
