28 March 2010


So after my last post, my great friend/ex-roomie, Janice, suggested that I try out Flickr. Actually, she was kind enough to share with me if I wanted, but after looking into it, I realized that Flickr may be worth the fee for my own pro account... and boy am I having fun!

I have signed up and posted 26photos... most of them are doubles of the same shot but I'm playing around with colour/contrast/etc, digital makes being "artistic" so easy... kinda weird learning about all the things I can do now with my new toy... but a thrilling weird, not a wary weird!!!

Here's an example of a shot I took of my sis inside a VW caterpillar art piece at MoMA in NYC last weekend (where I took 347photos, fyi... but most of them are junk because I really do feel like a beginner with this newfangled DSLR, haha):

the other 25 can be found at this link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ncsteph/

Let me know if it doesn't work, because I'm new to the world of Flickr... you may or may not need to sign up to view the pics. I would also like to know if signups are required, so please share your experience if you're a Flickr newbie, too! :)

Tomorrow is a family reunion - this is an annual event, one I have attended exactly once in my life, 17yrs ago - held right near Columbia, so I am heading out with the grandparents... look for new photos from that experience - I anticipate food blogging and maybe a video of some REAL southern accents, yay! :)


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